Sacramento City Council Members, School Board Trustee Expelled From Sac Dem Club For Endorsing Schubert

June 15, 2018 | Even though the position is technically non-partisan, the recently concluded race for Sacramento County District At...

June 15, 2018 |

Even though the position is technically non-partisan, the recently concluded race for Sacramento County District Attorney, had obvious political and partisan overtones. It was those overtones that drew a clear distinction between Republican incumbent DA Ann Marie Schubert and her vanquished challenger, Democrat Noah Phillips.

Schubert, who won a second term drew political support from across the political spectrum, including several Democratic elected officials who payed a political price last night when they were expelled from the Democratic Party of Sacramento County for their endorsement of a Republican. 

According to information posted on their Twitter page, the Sacramento party voted to expel Sacramento City Unified School District trustee Darrel Woo, and Sacramento city council members Eric Guerra and Steve Hansen. The expulsion was immediate.

Guerra, Hansen, and Woo did not respond to an email request seeking comment on the action.

Along with posting on their Twitter page, the club also posted information on their Facebook page. While many people supported the move, their were criticisms that drew a response from the club.

"We are literally the Democratic Party. We have a lot of choices when it comes to the wonderful people and qualified candidates we endorse. Joining the Democratic Party is like joining a team. If a person would like to be independent and endorse others, they are free to do so, they just can’t officially be part of the Democratic Party Central Committee. They are still registered to vote as Democrats."

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