Republic Services Criticized For Support of 'Crisis Pregnancy Center' as Elk Grove Approves Rate Hikes For Garbage Collection

Elk Grove resident Robert Hansey discussing his dissatisfaction with Republic Services. | 
June 15, 2018 |

Even though the Elk Grove City Council passed a multi-year rate hike for garbage collections with little deliberation, the city's hauler was criticized during public comment for their contributions to a local pregnancy crisis center.

During a public hearing at Wednesday night's Elk Grove City Council meeting, one resident criticized Republic Services' financial support of the Elk Grove-based Chicks in Crisis (CIC). The nonprofit CIC operates a so-called crisis pregnancy center (CPC).

After criticizing the rate increase on economic and customer service grounds, resident Robert Hansey, who identified himself as a semi-retired registered nurse, said he finds it objectionable the fees he pays the city go to a vendor, Republic Services, who then turns around and offers financial support to CIC.

"I want you to understand, that Chicks in Crisis is an organization, that is anti-choice, anti-abortion; wants the mother to go to full-term, whether it is against her health or not," Hansey said. "I would like to remind the folks here, that we are a pro-choice state, a pro-choice county."

Hansey added, "I have to pay money for the services, and then they get to spend their money on an anti-choice organization." 

Additionally, Hansey noted he spent three summers volunteering in South Asia working as a labor and delivery nurse and "has a lot of less than positive memories" of girls as young as 12 years old giving birth, and the detrimental aftermath it had on their health and well being. (see entire commentary below).

As a group, crisis pregnancy centers have been criticized by pro-choice advocates and a variety of women right's group for what they characterize as deceptive practices, and that many are not medically certified. In California, CPC's are required by law under the FACT Act  signed into law in 2015 to disclose they are nonmedical and inform clients of public assistance available for reproductive services, although a case challenging that law on First Amendment rights has been heard by the Supreme Court with a decision expected by the end of this month.

Although the city council did not respond to Hansey's criticism, all five members have tacitly shown their support for CIC by approving grants over the last several years. For the coming fiscal year, CIC was granted $25,000, and it is not known how much support was provided by Republic Services.

The city council has not granted any money to non-CPC women's reproductive services groups, although none have applied. 

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