Barry Broome's remedial sales, marketing training - Barry, meet Blake

Amazingly, Barry Broome, the region's economic development guru made a stunning admission in front of the Elk Grove City Council during their Wednesday, April 24 meeting. That admission violated one of the basic tenet's of sales - don't waste time pitching your product or service to people who can't make a purchase decision.

Stunning as that was, Broome made an even more stunning admission - he often makes sales presentations to temporary employees. He might as well pitch the receptionist or cleaning crew - chances are they are at least permanent employees.

Too bad for regional taxpayers, including those in Elk Grove, who help pay Broome's fat six-figure income because we are not getting our money's worth. The good thing for Broome is that as taxpayers we aren't like Blake, the ruthless sale manager character from the movie and stageplay Glengarry Glen Ross.

Then again, perhaps we should channel Blake. And remember, coffee's for closers and A B C - always be closing!

Bonus video!


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D.J. Blutarsky said...

For once I am speechless! EGN hit this one out of the park! I haven't laughed this hard since the City planned to adopt a Nigerian sister city back about 8 years ago!

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