Placer County Sheriff's arrest Elk Grove man on sex charges

Placer County Sheriff's Department took an Elk Grove man into custody last week on sex-related charges. 

Johnathan Butler, 53, was arrested on Thursday, April 2 on suspicion of unlawful sexual penetration with a victim unconscious of the act. Butler practiced “wholistic” medicine at “The Inner U” in Granite Bay. 

According to information released from the Placer County Sheriff's Department Butler claims he has provided treatment to approximately 54,000 clients around the world since the late 1990s. He has worked out of other locations including Citrus Heights, Sacramento, Roseville as well as other locations out of state. 

The victim, in this case, was a client at Butler’s Granite Bay business. Butler is currently in custody, and his bail is set at $300,000.

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