113 year sentence for Elk Grove man convicted of child sexual assault

An Elk Grove man who was convicted last month of sexually assaulting four children was sentenced today to 133 years in state prison. Ronald Northup was sentenced in Sacramento Superior County Judge Laurel White. Northrup was convicted on September 11 in a trial jury.

That jury found over the course of almost 20 years Northrup sexually assaulted four minor girls. Northrup’s victims were 4-6 years old, 7-8 years old and two of them were 11 years old when they were sexually abused. 

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The victims were family members or related to people Northrup knew.  One victim testified during the trial that she was sexually abused by Northrup, but had been told to lie and recant her allegations in 2013.

In their sentencing announcement, the Sacramento District Attorney's office said "Members of the Elk Grove Police Department who had worked tirelessly over the years for justice and two of Northrup’s victims were present to see him receive his sentence."

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