In an appeal to Elk Grove voters Ashby highlights endorsement from current, former Elk Grove mayors

In an appeal to Elk Grove voters, State Senate candidate Angelique Ashby highlights endorsements from current and former Elk Grove mayors. I...

In an appeal to Elk Grove voters, State Senate candidate Angelique Ashby highlights endorsements from current and former Elk Grove mayors.

In a mailer received recently, Ashby features a photograph in Old town Elk Grove with her accompanied by Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen, Elk Grove's first appointed mayor Jim Cooper and Gary Davis, who was the city's first directly elected mayor. The heading says, "Angelique Ashby is the best choice for Elk Grove families and residents."

On the flip side, there are quotes from Singh-Allen, Cooper, and Davis. 

Ashby is one of three Democratic candidates seeking the open seat for California's State Senate 8th District. Increasingly the contest that also includes former Insurance Commission and State Assemblymember Dave Jones and labor organizer Raffa Garcia is becoming a contentious battle between Ashby and Jones. 

Ashby and Jones are expected to be the top two finishers in the June primary and advance to a showdown in the November general election. Though both are Democrats, Ashby is viewed as more moderate, and Jones is progressive.  

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Capt. Benjamin Willard said...

I was strongly considering voting for Ms. Ashby, but now that I see Mr. Davis is supporting her candidacy, I will reassess who will receive my vote.

Renegade said...

The Captain is right. Ashby aligning herself with one of the most despised persons in EG will not likely end well for her. It shows poor research on her part as well. Gary Davis is nothing but a sell out to the highest bidder.

I was considering Ms. Ashby, now my vote will be going elsewhere. She's lost my vote and those of my family.

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