Singh-Allen amasses over $200k for first Elk Grove Mayoral reelection campaign

If there is one thing Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen can rightfully take credit for during her first term, it is building a well-oiled political contribution machine.  

According to campaign finance disclosures filed with the Elk Grove City Clerk, for six months ending June 30, Singh-Allen has received $139,476, which included a loan of $25,000 and non-monetary contributions valued at $32,000. Singh-Allen ended the period with $211,367.

Singh-Allen's major contributors include the following:
  • Angelo K. Tsakopoulos and Affiliated Entities - $4,900
  • Sofia Tsakopoulus - $4,900
  • I Street Public Affairs - $4,900
  • Elk Grove Land Investments (Christo Bardis) - $4,900
  • Sacramento Physician Group - $4,900
  • Law Office Jaspreet Singh - $4,900
  • Phillip Morris USA (received through intermediary, Altria Client Services) - $2,500
  • Grewal Trans Inc. - $2,500
  • United Food and Commerical Workers, Golden State - $2,500
  • Aujla San Jose Operating Inc. - $2,500
  • Gill Fuels Inc. - $2,500
  • H & S Retail Management Services - $2,500
  • California Conference Board, Amalgamated Transit Union - $1,500
  • Super Pallet Recycling - $1,500
  • Laborers Local 185 - $1,000
Interestingly, in an unsolicited comment she posted on social media, Singh-Allen stressed that contributions do not influence her policy-making decisions. 

Singh-Allen wrote:

"It is worth emphasizing that whether someone donated or not to my re-election campaign, it has no impact on my decision making as an elected official which I base on the merits of the individual proposals."

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Eye on Elk Grove said...

So BSA, with her disclaimer, with all that cash on the table, only exists to serve the voters instead of her generous donors.

Is BSA saying that she would never, in turn, champion policies her contributors support, vote for General Plan and zoning code amendments they need, vote to lower their fees, pass more CFD’s aka Mello Ross (meaning taxes), and never allocate taxpayer money in line with her donors expressed values?

Okay, Mayor Bobbie, got it!

D.J. Blutarsky said...

According to, the average winning House candidate shelled out just over $2 million on average. No time like the present to start saving up for 2025--meet Doris Matsui's newest bestie!

Atticus Finch said...

BSA's unsolicited disclaimer is laughable. The fact that she felt compelled to make such a statement really shows her guilt and intent, which is "donate to my campaign to get re-elected and I'll make your investment in me worthwhile."

Otherwise, if what she says is true, I am sure her donors would be very, very disappointed in her. Why else would they be giving her money? To ignore their interests? Of course not. Money corrupts. Sadly, money buys elections. Can't wait for the ubiquitous billboard size campaign signs on every street corner!!

D.J. Blutarsky said...

I see Mayor Bobbie is accepting cigarette "blood money" from Phillip Morris ($2,500) too! At first I asked myself, why would a cigarette company get involved in local politics?

Proposition 31 is on the November ballot. A YES vote would uphold SB793 which bans the sale of flavored tobacco statewide. A NO vote would deny SB793 and keep the sale of flavored tobacco legal in the state.

According to, Phillip Morris has contributed $10.1 million towards the effort to kill Proposition 31. Meanwhile, a growing number of cities are enacting bans on the sale of menthol cigarettes which is not addressed in Proposition 31.

I wonder what side of the issue Mayor Bobbie will fall on this issue!

White Hat said...

D.J. Blutarsky were you concerned when Steve Ly was accepting marijuana money?

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