Elk Grove News Minute - Our contributors will keep an eye on their shenanigans
This week Elk Grove News marked its 15th anniversary. The website was launched on January 11, 2008.
It was not
launched as a money-making endeavor, for popularity purposes, or to have the
most followers or likes.
Listen Time 2 Minutes
Photo by Cottonbro Studios.
Congratulations, Dan. Committing 15 years towards an endeavor that pays you little if anything monetarily confirms this site is a true passion of yours. It certainly offers your readers and contributors an informative, in-depth and provocative view of what is actually happening at city hall and around town. The electeds know any mis-steps will be documented and exposed. Thanks for your commitment. Many of us in town appreciate the offerings found on this site. Best wishes for continued success over the next 15 years.
Even though it is raining, in celebrating 15 years of Elk Grove News, one constant is still true, the need for continuous “sunshine” on our local government. How many EGN readers have uncovered wrongdoing over the years? Sadly, too numerous to count and even exhausting at times.
And yet, EGN and the readers don’t give up? Why? Because reinforcement is continuously needed that the Elk Grove City Council seats are “on loan” to the elected officials by the people of Elk Grove.
Moreover, the bright light of sunshine – public scrutiny – along with a strong investigative media, is the best disinfectant against ineptitude, negligence and corruption in our local democratic government.
Congrats Elk Grove News!
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