Elk Grove News Minute - History will judge them as Elk Grove's 21st-century segregationists

History will be unkind to Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen, Vice Mayor Kevin Spease, and Councilmembers Darren Suen, Rod Brewer, and Sergi...

History will be unkind to Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen, Vice Mayor Kevin Spease, and Councilmembers Darren Suen, Rod Brewer, and Sergio Robles for their discriminatory and reactionary stance on fair housing. | 

Across social media and comments on sites like Elk Grove News, Attorney General Rob Bonta and the state of California have been attacked for their intervention in Elk Grove's denial of the Oak Rose supportive housing project.

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Read more about the practices of these four governors (clockwise, from upper left, Lester Maddux, George Wallace, Ross Barnett, and Orval Faubus) and other notorious segregationists 

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Renegade said...

Not a pretty legacy, especially for the minority members of the council. History can be brutal. May be time they each start thinking for themselves?

Randy Bekker said...

Wow, Bonta’s bad press is his mafia style bully tactics in his letter. Actually probably a lower level no name employee of the department that chooses to use a law that in their world has no room for those cities who are actually doing something to help with affordable housing, homelessness. Once again it is easy to throw stones than list the number of projects past and present that the city of Elk Grove has done or doing. Maybe the biggest question is why is the applicant not willing to discuss, have a conversation on a better site. The for profit business seems to me is only interested in profits. Segregationist is a big word that doesn’t apply but the applicant doesn’t care of the clients welfare and they only care about profits.

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