Not as bad as having Mike Wallace & the 60 Minutes crew at your front door, but this newsletter appearance is another bad look for Elk Grove

Anyone who watched the CBS newsmagazine 60 Minutes, especially in their early days, remembers their exposes could be confrontational. In fac...

Anyone who watched the CBS newsmagazine 60 Minutes, especially in their early days, remembers their exposes could be confrontational. In fact, you can draw a direct line between contributor Mike Wallace's aggressive approach and later provocateurs like Michael Moore, especially in his debut film Roger & Me.  

Having Mike Wallace and a film crew appearing unannounced at your door was never good for the recipient. It meant you were either a fraudster or maybe a corrupt public official about to be exposed nationally. 

To that end, Elk Grove makes another appearance in Attorney General Rob Bonta's weekly email newsletter. The appearance has a lede similar to a parent scolding their child, saying, "Hold Elk Grove Accountable."

The headline says, "Local Government: Follow State Housing Laws." Before showing a link to the press release, the email says:

On Monday, we filed a lawsuit against Elk Grove for violating state housing laws. Our state is in a housing crisis and local governments must do their part to allow for affordable housing options for all members of our communities, regardless of their income level. Everyone deserves to have a place to call home. California has critically important laws designed to combat housing discrimination and increase affordable housing opportunities."

Outside the lawsuit's legal considerations are political considerations for both sides. For Bonta, even if he were to lose the case, this is just one of the dozens of issues he can leverage for his political advantage as he seeks higher office.

However, for one member of the Elk Grove City Council who voted against the Oak Rose project -Bobbie Singh-Allen, there are implications. While Kevin Spease and Darren Suen have virtually no political future outside the Elk Grove City Council, Singh-Allen is reportedly already lining up support to run for Congress when Rep. Doris Matsui retires. 

While nothing is written in politics, when the time comes, and Singh-Allen pursues Washington DC as her next political stop, the Oak Rose project will diminish her reputation with primary Democratic voters

Given the damage the Oak Rose lawsuit will have on her aspirations, Singh-Allen may have been better off with a Mike Wallace-type crew showing up at her front door.  

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