Building a bridge to a better reader experience - Change of CMS underway for Elk Grove News

Over the last few weeks, our dozen or so loyal Elk Grove News readers have noticed some peculiarities on the site. Peculiarities are a kind way of saying there have been slow page load times, misformatted pages, and hit-or-miss with the appearance of the comment section of some stories.

To be sure, these problems have been cropping up for the last few months, and we are in the process of addressing them. One of our dozen readers who is well-versed and proficient in coding and CMS - content management systems - has voluntarily come to our aid.

Over the next few months, EGN will be changing. Since the website's inception, we have used Google's Blogger CMS, which has served our purpose.

However, with EGN approaching an archive of 12,000 posts and Google, which has shown a propensity to pull the plug on its various products with little notice, the time has come to switch to a new CMS. Thanks to our volunteer reader, the CMS switching process is underway.

While we have fixed some of the coding problems that have caused these issues, there might be outages where EGN will be inaccessible during the switching process.  

If that happens, visit our companion site, You will find all content that appears on EGN and some additional stories. 

EGDN loads substantially faster than EGN. Plus, there is no need to set up a Google account for those who like to comment.

To comment, leave your name and email address for moderation. Your email address will not appear in the posted comments.

As we construct the bridge to a better and quicker user experience for our readers, we appreciate your comments and patience. And, of course, thanks to our dozen or so readers who've supported EGN over the last 15 years. 

You may not like us, but here you are!
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