Happy Halloween Compliments of Orson Wells, WKBW

In an annual Halloween celebration, EGN is posting the 1938 broadcast of the Mercury Theater's "War of the Worlds," pro...

In an annual Halloween celebration, EGN is posting the 1938 broadcast of the Mercury Theater's "War of the Worlds," produced and directed by Orson Welles. This year marks the 86th anniversary of that seminal radio and mass media event.

The original Welles and Mercury group's performance of WOTW famously duped millions of people into believing that Earth was actually being invaded by Martians. WKBW in Buffalo did the same thing in 1971. To that end, we are posting that broadcast, too.

While the 1938 broadcast is excellent, it is dated in some ways. The 1971 radio play is worth listening to if only to hear the booming DJ voices of the time.

What was noteworthy about WKBW's broadcast was they had heavily promoted that it was a radio play in the days leading up to the broadcast, and, even during the program, reminded listeners as it was airing that it was a play. Despite that, they inadvertently duped thousands of people and even the Canadian government.

In the age of social media's influence on culture and society, it is worth noting how people will believe what they are told without questioning or curiosity. Something to keep in mind.

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