Social media reacts negatively to Elk Grove's Oak Rose $9.1 million payoff; 'Another GREAT loss for the ELK GROVE TAXPAYERS!!'

This sign, which was installed on Elk Grove Boulevard weeks before yesterday's Oak Rose settlement announcement, indicates Elk Grove May...

This sign, which was installed on Elk Grove Boulevard weeks before yesterday's Oak Rose settlement announcement, indicates Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen and her four councilmen will
be praised at the February 28 meeting. | 

Yesterday the city of Elk Grove announced taxpayers will pay approximately $9.1 million, not including legal fees the city incurred to settle the Oak Rose supportive housing lawsuit. The city agreed to pay Long Beach, Calif.-based Excelerate Housing for penalties, legal fees, swap land and a $5 million development grant to make their fair housing lawsuit go away. 

While Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen and her city councilmen praised the settlement, the reaction on social media has mostly criticized the settlement as a wasteful use of taxpayer dollars.  

The city posted the announcement on, but there was no reaction. The city did not post the information on Instagram

Below are some negative comments about the settlement on the city's Facebook page. 

Another GREAT loss for the ELK GROVE TAXPAYERS!!! What a waste of money! 👎😡
What a SH** SHOW this has become! They wasted our tax money 💰

It is a great deal for developers and terrible deal for taxpayers
Lol what a sweet deal for the developer.

There were a few Facebook comments supporting the deal. 

Thank you for working hard to find a solution that makes sense. It sounds like a great deal for the developer and there are many resources at the new site.

On Elk Grove News' Instagram page, this comment bluntly summed up the situation.

The City of Elk Grove got their a$$ kicked in court in this case. 🤯👎🏾

Even though Singh-Allen and District 1 and 3 incumbents Darren Suen and Keven Spease are on this year's ballot and will likely be reelected, the comment below on NextDoor could be a canary in the coal mine for the trio. 

It will be noteworthy to see if there are public comments at the Wednesday, February 28 Elk Grove City Council meeting criticizing the settlement. As the picture posted above that was taken last week suggests, the mayor and city council will be heaped with praise, but will anyone bother to show up to condemn their actions?  

Elections are on November 5.  

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Spoons and Forks said...

Why would a critic of the deal show up? Unless you are someone important like Randy Bekker or a campaign contributor, speaking to those five goofs is like talking to a wall!

Renegade said...

The mayor should be recalled. Attorney Hobbs should be dismissed. What a fiasco! Their errors in judgement costing all of us over $9,000,000! - That's just unacceptable. And now she wants to build a $400,000,000 zoo? God help us all!

Capt. Benjamin Willard said...

The multi-million dollar payoff is also a reelection subsidy, especially for Ms. Singh-Allen and Mr. Brewer. If using using taxpayer dollars for political purposes isn't corruption, what is?

Peter Peachfuzz said...

What is hilarious to me is the defacto-spokesperson for the mayor and her city council, Randy Bekker, is on every social media channel defending the position of the city. Mayor BSA - if you are reading this, get this man a corner office at EG city hall!

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