Councilmember Robles makes pitch for universal basic income inclusion in Elk Grove's annual budgets

During the most recent Elk Grove City Council meeting, Councilmember Sergio
Robles made an appeal for a universal basic income for workforce training enrollees. | 

Bucking the standard operating procedure of Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen and the Elk Grove City Council, Councilmember Sergio Robles urged the city to invest in Elk Grove's human capital.

During the Wednesday, May 22, 2024, Elk Grove City Council meeting, Robles discussed the possibility of creating a UBS - universal basic income for qualifying city residents. 

Mr. Robles' remarks were made during the city council deliberations on the soon-to-be-adopted fiscal year 2025 budget. Specifically, Robles said he would like to explore a UBI for families participating in the city's various workforce development programs.

"If we don't take risks helping out our own citizens, why are we here," Robles said. "And I mean this even for me, 'why am I here," right? Why am I here? We need to help out those who need a hand."

Robles complimented Elk Grove resident Lynn Wheat for participating in the budget discussion. Wheat, who spoke during public comments, was the only member of the public in the audience during the budget deliberations. 

"Ms. Lynn Wheat brought something - thank you for being her first of all," he said to Wheat. You are very correct. There needs to be more people engaged, especially when we are talking about budget, especially when our finance. Thank you for being here."

View the video for additional comments on UBI from Robles, City Councilmember Kevin Spease, and City Manager Jason Behrmann.  

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Deejay Blutarsky said...

Us old timers recall the margarine commercial on television where the evil looking woman, upon discovering that the Chiffon margarine is not butter, threateningly warns, "it's not nice to fool Mother Nature!", and then the wrath of lightning and thunder is cast down.

Well in Sergio's case, it's not nice to go off script with Madame Mayor in charge! First, Councilmember Spease went off script on the zoo by voting NO, and now Robles brings up a point that was apparently not in the script.

All I can say is Spease and Robles must not interested in reelection, and if they are, they will not have the endorsement of our Mother Nature. 

Renegade said...

I for one am soooo glad to see ANY of the councilmen taking a stand other than Madame Mayor's point of view. What a refreshing change! Don't expect Brewer will ever speak up as he's the Mayor's "bro." Suen is too scared to ever make a stand or challenge the Mayor. Notwithstanding, I thought the same of Robles. Being a lame duck does have it's advantages, I guess.

Good job Robles! Welcome to the party!

Sid Vicious said...

Darren Suen is scared of his own shadow!

Josie said...

As Ross Perot would have said...all I heard down the dais was a 'giant sucking sound'!

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