Building a Government Empire or What? Elk Grove Taxpayers Deserve an Explanation
Regardless of your political party affiliation, I think it's safe to assume that most taxpayers would prefer that our government spend its money wisely and efficiently as if it was our own money---well, because it is our money!
Over the past few years, it has become a standard routine that Elk Grove City Council meetings begin with a long introduction of new employees. This constant parade of new staff has become so routine, I almost became numb to the fact that no meaningful explanation has been given on why so many new hires? Is this justifiable?

While the hiring binge really took off after the Measure E sales tax hike was approved, the City Manager did note that there would be a rapid surge in new hires. But this hiring spree began before Measure E and I don't ever recall an explanation being given on why, particularly since the hiring has greatly exceeded the rate of our city's population growth.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau estimates, the City of Elk Grove population in April, 2020 was 176,138 and increased to 178,444 by July 2023 for a 1.3 percent increase. But during this same time period according to Transparent California, the estimated number of city employees increased from 412 to 503, for a whopping 22 percent increase!
While it is easy to be mesmerized by the slow trickle of new employees being paraded at every City Council meeting, a 22 percent increase in the size of Elk Grove government over a brief three year period when the population only increased 1.3 percent, deserves a better explanation than Measure E quality of life hires and a few transitions from contract staff to city staff.
As we enter the campaign season and political flyers land on our doorstep, I hope our incumbents move beyond their standard promises of improving traffic, safety, and transparency. How about efficiency of our tax dollars and when this hiring binge might end.

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