Now facing two potential challengers, Elk Grove Mayor continues amassing reelection campaign cash
For Elk Grove's November mayoral election, the incumbent mayor faces two potential challengers. Even though Bobbie Singh-Allen will not run unopposed, along with their built-in incumbency advantage, she will have another edge over her opponents: her enormous campaign cash advantage.

According to financial disclosures filed on her California Form 460, the second-term Elk Grove mayor raised $43,065 for the six months ending June 30. Singh-Allen enters the five months leading to the November election with an overwhelming $264,480.
Singh-Allen's patrons gave the following amounts for the six-month reporting period, with the cumulative amount per election cycle in parentheses:
- Bob's Club - $5,000
- Elk Grove Investments - $1,500
- Feather Ridge Drive LLC - $2,500 ($5,000)
- Sally Guttridge - $1,000
- Laborers Local 185 - $1,500 ($1,740)
- Operating Engineers Local 3 - $500
- Sierra Building Trades - $1,000 ($5,000)
- Sheet Metal Workers Local 104 - $1,000 ($1,200)
- CCSD Director Angela Spease - $200
- Tajinder Singh, Full Stop Market - $1,000
- Stratus Engineering Associates - $500
- Syphax Strategic - $1,000
- Taylor & Wiley - $1,000
- Tooley Oil Company $750 ($1,250)
- Townsend Raimundo Besler and Usher - $1,000 ($1,749)
- Allan Lee Veto Jr. - $5,000
Among Singh-Allen's notable expenses were a $500 donations to Elk Grove Unified School District Trustee Michael Vargas and payments totaling $4,500 to Shan Allen for information technology expenses.

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