Elk Grove Unified School District Area 4 Trustee Jamerson resigns, vacancy to be filled by appointment

During their Tuesday, January 14 meeting, the Elk Grove Unified School District Board of Trustees discussed how to fill the Area 4 trustee vacancy. Ms. Gina Jamerson's board resignation as the Area 4 trustee on December 17, 2024, created the vacancy.

The six board members, which includes three new trustees elected in November, decided to fill the vacancy by appointment. Jamerson was elected to a four-year term in 2022 following her 2021 appointment to fill the vacancy created when Bobbie Singh-Allen resigned after winning the 2020 Elk Grove mayoral election.

During their discussion, the trustees expressed concern over the estimated $324,000 cost to run a by-district special election. Area 6 Trustee Jennifer Ballerini, one of the three new trustees, noted that the 2015 process when former trustee Nancy Chaire-Espinoza was appointed was thorough.

"It is a lot for somebody to apply, just like running for the position," Ballerini said. 

Had the board decided to hold a special election, it would have been held this November. The Area 6 position would remain vacant until then and appear on the November 2026 general election ballot. 

During public comment, two speakers urged the board to hold a special election. They argued voters should be allowed to choose who represents them.

While most trustees supported the appointment, Trustee Heidi Moore, another of the three new board members, favored an election, saying voters should have a voice. Moore also noted that this would be the third time a trustee has been appointed to the Area 4 seat since 2012.

"I think it's unfortunate that the Area 4 residents are once again not having the opportunity to choose their own trustee," Moore said. 

Moore also expressed concern that a subcommittee of board members would decide from the pool of applicants who would then be publicly interviewed by the entire board for an appointment. 

"I would prefer to have a special election, but I can hear my colleagues do not necessarily agree with that," she said. 

Although she voiced concerns about the appointment, Moore joined her five colleagues to approve the appointment process. The district's website has more information about the appointment process.

Ms. Jamerson reportedly resigned following her family's relocation out of Area 4.  

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Renegade said...

Where exactly is Area 4? The boundaries? I don't see the boundaries anywhere on the EGUSD website.

Elk Grove News said...

Here is a link to the EGUSD area map. https://www.egusd.net/documents/District/About-EGUSD/Board-of-Education/Board-Members/2022-Trustee-Areas-Map-District.pdf

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