Part II: Elk Grove Promenade construction plods along while

Part II might be called a Tale of Two Elk Grove Shopping Centers. One is massive and represents the fiscal hopes and dreams of the city cou...

Part II might be called a Tale of Two Elk Grove Shopping Centers. One is massive and represents the fiscal hopes and dreams of the city council. The other is a brand new empty strip center barely on the radar on the other side of town.

Of the course the former shopping center we speak of is the massive drive-thru strip center located on the southeast side of Elk Grove known as The Promenade. Slated for completion in early 2009, this strip center is believed by city fathers to be regional mall that will put Elk Grove on the map as a shopping destination. Time will tell.

The latter is a small strip center on the cities northeast side called "The Habour Pointe." Located at 9186 Maritime Drive very near Laguna Blvd and I-5, the center consist of two buildings each about 9,500 sq. ft.

The center has had one tenant "Reef Hermit," which unfortunately appears to have gone out of business. The rest of the center is vacant and the balance of the interior space has not been build out meaning the building are shells.

For a little historical perspective, according the Elk Grove planning department, the center was issued construction permits in Jan. 2006, and was ready for occupancy in Sept. 2007. The first tenant, the aforementioned "Reef Hermit" was granted a certificate of occupancy last November.

Though indistinguishable from the scores of others strip centers throughout Elk Grove, "Harbour Pointe" has some features that make it a viable commercial property. It is close to the Laguna I-5 interchange and has several neighborhoods in easy walking distance.

Though located only 7.5 mile apart, the two retail centers are are in opposite worlds. When The Promenade finally open next year, in the short term at least, it will siphon business aways from the numerous strips centers, many of which have mom and pop operators.

Even those centers that don't have mom and pop's, think of the Gottschalks at the Wal-Mart center or the two Kohl's department stores, they are surely going to be hurt by Macys and other shops catering to teenagers. Do you think Gottschalks will survive at their current location?

The point is once The Elk Grove Promenade opens, we are likely to see an increase in retail vacancies throughout the Elk Grove. This glut will come in form of numerous business failures and will be piled on top of the existing inventory of retail space that has yet to be occupied.

This all adds up to bad situation for our neighborhoods. Frankly it is surprising these empty never-occupied retail centers yet to be stripped of their cooper wiring by meth-heads and various tweakers.

This might be the price of our drive-thru regional mall known as The Promenade.

As the "The Harbour Pointe" illustrates, even without The Promenade's presence being felt, local retail strip center space is going unfilled.

What happen's a year from now?

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Anonymous said...

The Promenade is just a strip mall on steroids. Build it and the gang bangers will come. Just like Arden Fair where the Barrio, Ghetto and Trailer Parks come together.

Anonymous said...

This is pretty silly, how ELK GROVE is trying so hard to become a "big city". I believe that elk grove is soon going to turn out like sacramento. how sad...

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