Opinion: New Elk Grove City Mayor

By Nikki Carpenter Elk Grove is embarking on a new era with a newly elected mayor. Who do we want to represent our city? Our candidates...

By Nikki Carpenter

Elk Grove is embarking on a new era with a newly elected mayor. Who do we want to represent our city?

Our candidates are Lynn Wheat, Sophia Sherman, Gary Davis, Jerry Braxmeyer, Greg Higley and Lawanna Montgomery.

We need a mayor who will listen to the people, direct the council in a clear and thoughtful manner and uphold everything this community values and deserves.

Lynn Wheat has been very active in our community before and after incorporation. She has probably attended more council meetings than Sophia and Gary combined. As the founding member of GRASP she wants the SOI application removed. She has the best interests of this community as her agenda. Lynn has been a superior public servant for many years in her capacity as a nurse.

Sophia Scherman and Gary Davis are our infamous retreads. Let’s see if we can sell the public on the notion that given one more chance we can do it better. Sophia has now changed her mind about the SOI. But is she doing anything to have the application pulled? Gary Davis is laying low not committing to any comments about the SOI hoping it will disappear from the campaign. Gary what are those very quiet under the radar meetings with SACOG about?

Gary Davis’s good friend Senator Darrell Steinberg refused to sign GRASP’s petition to stop the SOI at Sacramento Earth Day in May. Senator Steinberg is an advocate of SACOG’s “Urban Services Boundary” and Sacramento’s “Smart Growth Initiative.” He refused to sign because as he stated “I need to check with my good friend Gary Davis to see if it is okay.” Makes you wonder how much power Gary Davis has! He thinks we are a “City United?"

Jerry Braxmeyer wants to make us a bedroom community. Take a look around Mr. Braxmeyer. We are already a bedroom community. The jobs to housing ratio in Elk Grove are the worst in this region. We don’t need more homes and we don’t need more rezoning in our rural community which is what you advocate. Oh, and how many council meetings have you attended? Have you finally figured that one out? Not very many it seems.

Greg Higley has been very quiet. Not much to say and we wonder how many city council meetings he has attended to voice his opinions on issues.

Lawanna Montgomery, nice lady but again you haven’t spent a lot of time at city council meetings. Would you like to help defeat the SOI?

We have council candidates who are running unopposed because the cost of a campaign is expensive, exhausting and daunting. Those candidates will skate with their war chest until next time.

The more you fund raise and spend the more you are beholden to special interest groups. Lynn Wheat is to be lauded for her approach to campaign reform. She is a fresh, energetic voice who is passionate about the community she lives in.

The council refused to enforce the political sign ordinance so here we are again with huge signs plastered everywhere. Hope they all get removed the day after elections.

So what is your strategy come election day? Do you vote for the retreads and hope that things will change? Do you take a chance and vote for one of the less vote splitting candidates so the front runner can again mess with your head?

Will you regret your choice months after the election when you realize you voted for the wrong candidate? Listen to what each of the candidates has to say. Are the candidates really passionate about our community or are they using this office as a stepping stone for higher office? Two of our mayoral candidates already have or do you want someone who lives here and believes we can be a better community at just the size we are now, building and enhancing what we have and making it better.

We need more and better salaried jobs in Elk Grove. We need a growing and vibrant business policy that will encourage new businesses to locate here without tax subsidy enticement. We need to help those in our community to keep their underwater homes, clean up the vacant and foreclosed homes so new owners will cherish our community as the rest of us do. Teach our youth the pleasure and joy of volunteering on projects that will enhance our community and give them a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Your vote is important but do it wisely because the decision you make on election day will set the tide for this community for years to come.

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amused in fast food city said...

Nice op-ed. Before CC and Co. get their egos in a wad, remember this is America where people can (and should) express their opinions without getting raked over the coals. I'm sure there is a rebuttal for everything and I'm sure at least one is forthcoming. That's what I like America.

Anonymous said...

Unless I've missed something, the newly elected mayor of Elk Grove will not and should not be a Keven Johnson type of mayor. As a General Law City, Elk Grove did not vote for a strong Mayor type of government. The impression that the Mayor will control the council and basically be the strong leader of our city government is an incorrect assumption. If the citizens are not vigilant, the position could work its way through a back door into a strong Mayor position and will be too late to do anything to control it.

The elected Mayor is the presiding officer of Council meetings. The Mayor also performs certain ceremonial functions and has a few administrative duties, such as signing all minutes, resolutions, and ordinances adopted by the Council. In addition, the newly elected mayor has the power to appoint members to boards, committees, and commissions and the Planning Commission, all subject to the approval of the rest of the Council.

In essence, the new Elk Grove Mayor is the 5th Council member elected at large and will be the cermonial member of the council representing the City of Elk Grove. He or she will run the City Council meetings, sign the administrative documents, and nominate members to boards, committees and commissions who will need the majority approval of the other four council members.

Choose your Mayor wisely and keep vigil.

Unknown said...

I would like the Elk Grove residents to know that I am a strong leader with empathy for the people and my community. I make firm decisions and I am willing to start over the SOI application, scrap it or vote against in its present conditions. I want to talk with the concerned people and see how they feel before making a decision. I have said this on many occasions publically.

Very truly yours,

LaWanna Montgomery, Mayor Candidate Elk Grove

Unknown said...

I would like the Elk Grove residents to know that I am a strong leader with empathy for the people and my community. I make firm decisions and I am willing to start over the SOI application, scrap it or vote against in its present conditions. I want to talk with the concerned people and see how they feel before making a decision. I have said this on many occasions publically.

Very truly yours,

LaWanna Montgomery, Mayor Candidate Elk Grove

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