Sights and Sounds - Elk Grove Election Night, Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November 5, 2014 | Some win, some lose. Below is a video of four campaign headquarters and election parties in Elk Grove. Congratulation...

November 5, 2014 |

Some win, some lose. Below is a video of four campaign headquarters and election parties in Elk Grove.

Congratulations to the victors and a tip of the hat to all the candidates who threw their hats into the ring.

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Warren Buffet said...

Steve L said...

Can't wait to see what the "leaders" come up with this time to try an avoid a $500,000 special election for Copper's soon to be vacated spot.

Hindsight and principles of democracy should indicate this is a no-brainer, we have to have a special election.

The appointment of Bob Trigg was a disaster, as was the unsuccessful appointment process. This city spends money like they print it, so $500,000 to insure "the people's choice" is warranted here.

Before the next election cycle, we also need to have in place a requirement that all electeds seeking different positions MUST RESIGN prior to approval of their application being approved for their new job candidacy.

This really is ridiculous as well as expensive to the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

So we spend $1,000,000? Remember, Steve Ly didn't keep his word and fulfill his four year term. In the interest of democracy the EGUSD needs to hold a special election. We've already had two appointed School Board members. Let the people decide.

Anonymous said...

Amigo, let it go. Breathe in and and out.....let it go...... Need to tweek that 20 year plan just a bit.

Anonymous said...

It would be unconstitutional to require am elected official to resign before seeking another/higher office.

The school board by there rules must appoint and can not go to a special election, that is how Bobbi Singh Allen got in and did not have to run in 2012 even though the vacancy happened before the filing for the Nov. 2012 election.

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