Guest Opinion - No on Sacramento County Measure B, and Here’s Why…

October 3, 2016 |

From Don’t Double The Tax – No on Measure B Committee

Sacramento Transportation Authority (STA), Sacramento County, the Cities of Sacramento, Elk Grove, Citrus Heights and Folsom are pushing for another half-cent sales tax for roads. What they’re not telling you about is the existing Measure A that’s already collecting a half-cent sales tax for roads. Last year over $119,000,000 was collected from you through Measure A. Since 2009, Measure A has collected over $669.5 million, how are your roads looking?  

Measure B is being sold to you as ‘Fix it First’ for road repairs, but funds from Measure A are supposed to be spent for that already.

Why the STA and their buddies can’t get their funds together and fix Measure A is a question that has yet to be answered.  Where is the Measure A money going?  You can find that answer in a report issued by Eye on Sacramento at this website, look under reports. Our roads are in desperate need for repair, your tax dollars are being already collected for this purpose, we don’t need to give the bureaucrats more of our money until they can fix their wild spending habits.

Measure A will have over $450 million in bond debt by the end of 2017. Interest on this bond debt is eating up Measure A funds that could be going to repair our roads.  Measure B will have the same oversight as Measure A.  The Independent Tax Oversight Committee on Measure A has not been following the requirements for auditing and issuing reports as required by law. Sacramento Transportation Authority does not monitor the use of our money to get matching State and Federal funds. Nobody is watching our money and how it’s being used. 

It is important for Elk Grove voters to know is that the Capital Southeast Connector cannot be completed without Measure B. The Capital Southeast Connector will take property from innocent property owners along Grant Line Road. Measure B is slated to provide over $125 million towards the project. For a 33-mile project this still will not be enough funds to complete it, so watch for Measure C in the future when they need more of your hard earned money.

It’s time for us to stand up to the big developers, engineers and consultants that are pushing for Measure B. It’s time to stand up for ourselves and say ‘NO’ to wasteful spending. 

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Don’t Double The Tax – No on Measure B Committee
FPPC # 1387847

Don't double the tax

Debra Desrosiers, Vice Chair

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