Elk Grove News Podcasts - Interview with Sacramento County District Attorney candidate Thien Ho


This year Sacramento County Voters will elect a new District attorney. The next district attorney will be only the third elected to the position in 28 years.

One of the candidates is Mr. Thien Ho, who has over years 20 years of experience with the Sacramento County District attorneys office. On this edition of Elk Grove News Podcast we’ll hear more from Ho on a variety of issues. 

This interview was conducted on Wednesday, April 20.

Listen Time 22 minutes

Production note - Guests are offered to select the introduction music. Sacramento County Assistant Chief Deputy District Attorney Thien Ho selected the piano portion of Eric Clapton's Layla. 

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Renegade said...

Pretty insightful interview. Ho talks a great game. Hopefully, he means what he says and will carry through on his plans. We can only hope. Having a solid working relationship with the Sups is critical.
I look forward to hearing what his opponent has to say re these issues.

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