Elk Grove names Cody Tubbs interim city manager

Read the press release from the Elk Grove City Council on last night's appointment of Cody Tubbs as the interim city manager. At least ...

Read the press release from the Elk Grove City Council on last night's appointment of Cody Tubbs as the interim city manager.

At least one person has questioned the wisdom of appointing a so-called "p.r. hack" to a city that is facing a multi-million dollar budget deficit.

As our reader has pointed out, Tubbs was appointed during the closed portion of last night's meeting. One must wonder if there isn't a more qualified person the members of the city council could have found to steer the city, even on an interim basis, than a p.r. guy?

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Anonymous said...

POt Grove is a big joke in this region.

The latest under the Big Top (circus).

From the man who brought you "Elk Grove Thriving".

A person with no experience managing a city or even a department with more than five employees.

No governmental accounting or finance experience running a city that is going broke.

So now you have a PR flack (professional bull tosser) running a city with more problems that you can shake a stick at.

A city that is at least $3 to 5 million in the hole after the property tax revenues drop due to a decline in the assessed tax roll.

Deputy City Manager Cody Tubbs was named interim city manager Wednesday night during a closed session of the City Council.

Tubbs will be paid $205,000 a year in the interim post, a job he is expected to hold until the city hires a permanent city manager.

He was the City's Director of Communications (public relations). He was a lobbyist before that according to Google cache.

"Director of Communications prior to his appointment as Deputy City Manager/ Neighborhood Services in 2007.

Before joining the City of Elk Grove, he was a regional public affairs representative for the League of California Cities based in Sacramento.

He has also served as a registered lobbyist for a statewide association of consulting engineering firms and for four years he was an aide to the late Congressman Robert T. Matsui. "

Anonymous said...

Might as well put "Big Hair" in charge of the city treasury.

At least she knows how to book travel arrangements for the council's annual junkets to Washington D.C.

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