Elk Grove City Council members sworn in

Hume selected mayor, Scherman vice mayor The chambers of the Elk Grove city council chambers were abuzz last for the swearing in ceremony fo...

Hume selected mayor, Scherman vice mayor

The chambers of the Elk Grove city council chambers were abuzz last for the swearing in ceremony for three members of the council.

The standing-room-only audience was on hand to witness newly elected council member Steve Detrick as well as Jim Coooper and Sophia Scherman, who were both reelected to third terms, take their oath of office.

Detrick was accompanied by his wife, son and father as he took his oath (see related story and video below). Cooper took his oath along with Detrick.

Scherman, who took her oath separately, was accompanied by a large entourage that included her husband, children, grandchildren and supporters most of whom wore 'Team Sopha' t-shirts.

After taking oath and seeing the large crowd in the chambers the newly seated Detrick quipped "it's a different perspective up here." Detrick went on to thank his supporters and vowed to work diligently for the people of Elk Grove.

Wasting no time, the council moved to select a new mayor and vice mayor. The council unanimously voted to appoint Patrick Hume as mayor.

For the vice mayor position Cooper nominated Detrick but the motion failed as it did not get a second. Davis then nominated Scherman wwh was also unanimously approved.

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