Another City Employee Springboards From Elk Grove

Special from the Wildomar Voice Oviedo is a graduate of Fresno State University with a bachelor’s degree in sociology. He also holds a ...

Special from the Wildomar Voice

Oviedo is a graduate of Fresno State University with a bachelor’s degree in sociology. He also holds a master’s degree in public administration from Arizona State University School of Public Affairs.

Mr. Oviedo most recently hails from the City of Elk Grove as their outgoing Deputy City Manager of Administrative Services. The Elk Grove city web site lists his tenure there at 5 years.

Oviedo served as Deputy City Manager to then City Manager John Danielson in Elk Grove. Their relationship reportedly dates back to time together with the City of Santa Clarita.

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Anonymous said...

Isn't Wildomar the same town where John Danielson was the Interim Manager? Let's see - Olieda came to Elk Grove after Danielson became City Manager and now he is replacing Danielson in Wildomar. The world of local politics is a small place indeed.

Malleus Codex said...

Looks like Laura Gill drove away another promising City asset! Noticed that the City Council pretty much gave her and Susie a vote of confidence.

Anonymous said...

They take care of their own, making sure they r well compensated.

Anonymous said...

I can plainly see that there is a witch hunt on for the City Manager and City Attorney - but really Malleus, don't you think that it is more likely Ovieda is following Danielson;s footsteps (which he did when he came to Elk Grove as well as now in going to Wildomar) than it is that he is running from Gill and Cochran? It could be that both things are playing a part in his leaving. But I don't agree that the Danielson connection didn't play a majority role.

Simply Put said...

It is simply politics. No different than the class politics back in high school days - but at a higher pay rate. Danielson is the ringleader for a band of gypsy's that understand well how to take full advantage of the public sector for personal benefit. Oviedo is following Danielson's lead. The question for Wildomar is, is this what they wanted?

Anonymous said...

"Band of Gypsies"? Mr. Oviedo has worked for the City of Elk Grove for over 5 years...

Simply Put said...

Yes. Band of Gypsies. Danielson, Oviedo, Kashiwagi, Fitzwater. There's a couple more that I can't think of at the moment that have all traveled through Elk Grove on their way to Wildomar, and now points beyond for some. Follow the money. Nothing new there. Wait. It's called, "Networking." Okee-dokee.

Unknown said...

Interesting, this guy could not mangage himself - let alone any one else, good luck to that City, never would have happend without JD.

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