Elk Grove’s Mother Milk - Candidate Vernon Billy

Returns $100 donation from high placed educator Elk Grove City Council candidate Vernon Billy’s initial 460 financial disclosure fling with ...

Returns $100 donation from high placed educator

Elk Grove City Council candidate Vernon Billy’s initial 460 financial disclosure fling with the Elk Grove City Clerk’s office shows the candidate running for district four has raised over $15,250.

In addition, Billy has made a personal loan of $15,000 to his campaign giving him a total of $30,250. Billy also listed non-monetary contributions valued at $203.

An initial examination of Billy first statement one might think he is running for a school board as he received $5,700 from people or businesses that are education related. The largest of these education contributors was $2,500 from Kevin A. Howell, West Windsor, CT, president of “CoreK12.”

Billy also lists a June 18 contribution from Arlene C, Ackerman, superintendent of the School District of Philadelphia. However, the $100 donation was returned one week later. No explanation was noted.

Previously Ackerman was superintendent of San Francisco schools.

Check back later for an analysis of Billy’s contributions.

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Anonymous said...

Vernon Billy is an Elk Grove nobody. Soon as Davis re-enters the Council race, Billy will exit. Our community hangs in the balance and we need leadership. I hope others step forward, especially those that have done good things in the community.

Anonymous said...

Why do you think Gary Davis is running for re-election? I thought he was certain to ge the Democratic nomination. I hope he raises enough money to catch the doctor or has enough sense to step aside after the next report if he is not in the running financially.

I don't know this Vernon Billy guy. I read on earlier posts about Pat Perez possibly running. If this is true, that's great news.

Anonymous said...

Who is this guy?

Anonymous said...

he is Gary's insurance policy. Gary needed a high profile person to keep all of the potential council candidates at bay while he explored his congressional run.

The problem is he didn't count on the Indian community, and he has a suprise waiting for home from that same community in the race for council.

Anonymous said...

Vernon Billy is not a high profile candidate. Insurance policy maybe.Indian community surprise, sounds intriguing. Bera is already giving him a run for his money.

Anonymous said...

Oh, political games people play! Is this Elk Grove politics we can be proud of? And why now, do we slap labels on everyone, Indian community versus the African American community? Shameful!

Anonymous said...

2:16 agree with you.
The person being referred to here is much more than an "Indian Community Surprise" and shame on any one for brining race relations into politics.
I know this person well and the person can stand on their own merits that have nothing to do with race.
If race becomes an issue, don't be surprised if the person steps back and endorses Billy, assuming he remains in the race.

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