Hume Flip-Flopping On Sheriff Endorsement?

Elk Grove's own John Kerry? During the 2004 presidential election Sen. John Kerry was bludgeoned by Karl Rove and his band of mirth-make...

Elk Grove's own John Kerry?

During the 2004 presidential election Sen. John Kerry was bludgeoned by Karl Rove and his band of mirth-makers for his flip-flop voting on funding of the Iraq war.

Along with being "Swiftboated," the attacks on Kerry worked and Bush narrowly won the popular vote.

From the sounds coming out of a host of sources, it looks like Elk Grove may have its own flip-flopper.

It all started last week during the press conference announcing Scott Jones candidacy for Sacramento County Sheriff. One of the first sentences uttered by retiring Sheriff John McGinness was not about Jones, but rather one his endorsements.

In fact the first endorsement McGinness announced (view the video) was from the Mayor of Elk Grove.
"The Honorable Mayor Patrick Hume, Mayor of the City of Elk Grove is a supporter."
The announcement of an endorsement from a fellow politician is usually not an earth shattering event. They are common elements of the political game.

This announcement was significant though in that one of Jones' opponent is Hume's fellow Elk Grove City Council member, Jim Cooper. Endorsing a fellow council member's opponent this early in the game might not make for the most harmonious, and more importantly, constructive thing for Hume to do.

After all, what happens if Hume wins reelection in 2010 and Coopers loses his bid for sheriff. Unless Cooper resigns from the city council, there will be at least one council member with a grudge to carry.

Are these the type of working relationships that are best for the people of Elk Grove as we work through the most challenging period in our city's short history?

It was not surprising therefore to read in today's Elk Grove Citizen that Hume said he had not officially endorsed Jones. Was it possible the McGinness fabricated Hume's endorsement?

Not likely.

Given the fact that McGinness eagerly announced Hume's endorsement first, it would indicate it was a much sought after endorsement meant to kick some sand in Cooper's face. What better way to slap Cooper around than have Hume endorse Jones.

In any case, this flip-flopping reflects badly on Hume. You can't help but wonder if he is being played for a chump by the McGinness camp; just like he was last spring during Dan Lungren's faux town hall meeting.

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Phillip Stark said...

Like many of us, Hume sometimes says things too soon. I don't think it speaks ill of him to pull back his support (if that's what he did). Flip flopping on our city council is so common place that to call one on it is laughable.

If Cooper isn't elected Sheriff he'll probably run (and win) another term as our councilman. This community may only rid itself of him via his leaving the dais for another (elected) job. Short of a direct endorsement, I must confess... I hope he wins. I wonder if he'd consider taking Ms. Scherman with him. She's no Barney Fife (Barney has far more integrity and much more character!) but she might be useful in some lesser capacity. Hmmm...she does have some (albeit limited) skill completing reimbursement forms.

If (and when) I decide to run for Sophia's seat in 2012 (or sooner if she decides to retire and collect her city supported pension)you can rest assured that my platform calling for city control of parks and fire (that outside agency called the CSD needs to go), no expanded sphere of influence, creation of a redevelopment district for the original Elk Grove area, expansion of the Old Town Special Planning Area and preservation of our historic resources, district re-alignment and a city charter that works for the residents, not the elected - will not flip flop one iota.

Scott Jones said...

Before this becomes a distraction,I want to clear this up. Prior to my announcement, I spoke with Mayor Hume and he agreed to be present at my press announcement. I fully understood at that time that the purpose of his being present was so that he could make an informed, meaningful endorsement when the time was right for him, for whichever candidate he utlimately chose to endorse. This was not to be taken as an endorsement or an offer of support in any way. That is why Mayor Hume was not represented on my testimonial sheet handed out at the event, nor was he ever listed on my 'supporters and friends' page of my website. At the press conference, Sheriff McGinness was supposed to recognize him as being present, but mistakenly represented him as a supporter. I have explained this to the Mayor.

I have the utmost respect for Mayor Hume, and cannot allow responsibility for any of this to rest on him. Mayor Hume did NOT flip-flop his support; on the contrary, he is doing what a resposible public servant should do-becoming informed about both candidates prior to lending his good name in support.

Elk Grove Politics said...

Don’t know why McGinness said what he did, but given the history of the Elk Grove City Council and learning from the past, I think it is smart that Pat Hume addressed the issue and will hold off on any endorsement. He has his own reelection to think about, along with what is best for council cohesiveness and his constituents.

And if, as some have said on EGO, it was party pressure. JFK said it best, “Some times the party asks too much.”

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