Scherman Reimbursed For Mileage By City To Sanitation District Meeting

Sanitation board members also receive $100 per meeting payment Elk Grove City Council member Sophia Scherman was paid $186.34 by the ...

Sanitation board members also receive $100 per meeting payment

Elk Grove City Council member Sophia Scherman was paid $186.34 by the city for travel to and from 11 Sacramento County Sanitation District meetings during the first six months of 2009 according to information verified by the city’s finance manager.

Verification of the reimbursements was sought as the documentation Scherman provided in her expense reports lacked detail and much of it was illegible.

While Scherman’s reimbursement for miles driven on behalf of the city are within the law, her membership on sanitation district's board entitled her to receive a $100 Per Diem for each meeting according the districts’ chief financial officer, Marcia Maurer.

As of posting time, EGN has not heard back from the sanitation district if Scherman has accepted payment for the meetings she has attended this year. Scherman has not responded to request seeking clarification as to whether or not she has accepted the $100 Per Diem for each meeting she attended this year.

City attorney declines to comment on legality

If Scherman received payment from both the city and sanitation district, it is not clear if any applicable law was violated. If it were determined reimbursement from both agencies for the same expense constituted a misuse of public funds, Scherman could be subjected to section 53232.4. of the California Government Code.

Scherman could be subjected to restitution, loss of reimbursement privileges, civil penalties for misuse of public funds and possible prosecution for misuse of public resources, pursuant to Section 424 of the Penal Code.

City attorney Susan Cochran declined to comment on the matter citing attorney-client privilege. “Unfortunately, I will not be able to provide you with a response because I do not do legal research, analysis, or advice for anyone other than my client, the City of Elk Grove, its council and staff,” Cochran said in an e-mail.

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Malleus Codex said...

Sophia MUST go!

Anonymous said...

I heard Sophia say to the citizen at the council meeting when this was brought up..."I have nothing to hide; I will post my requests in the paper". So, Sophia, please help us understand how you get per diem AND mileage for the same meeting? That seems to me to be double dipping and if not illegal,certainly a poor use of judgement on your part. That's OUR tax dollars you're asking for and if the San Board pays you, that's just irresponsibile of you to request reimbursement a second time..shame on you Sophia..perhaps it is time for you to step down...

disappointed, but not surprised!

Anonymous said...

I think its time for recalling Sophia!

Anonymous said...

Is this the only news to discuss, how sad. Not a Sophia supporter but seriously, enough already. This is boring news. If you want to fix the problem, change the system. There is nothing illegal here.
I voted for Katherine Maestas and we had a chance to get rid of Sophia. Your buddy Gary Davis put his selfish interests above the City's and his so called good friend and campaign manager. He went out of his away to eliminate competition for himself. Wakeup people! I am all for getting rid of Sophia AND GARY DAVIS. That selfish pig needs to get out of our city.
I hope Katherine runs for City Council again. I also hope that Gary gets his butt handed to him in the primary. If he decides to run for re-election, he will lose. He is a let down to this community.

Anonymous said...

Smells like a crook to me. If she could, she would triple-dip and get even more cash.

EG is used as their personal ATM by these people.

Anonymous said...

Shall we get the facts first, before making any judgements?

Anonymous said...

Poor Sophia! If you want to make a difference, how about getting rid of Hume?

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