Democrats Launch Radio Campaign Against Lungren

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee announced it has launched a radio adverting campaign against Congress member Dan Lungren and...

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee announced it has launched a radio adverting campaign against Congress member Dan Lungren and other Republican congress members who they believe are backing Wall Street interests over those of there constituents.

For years, House Republicans like Representative Dan Lungren let big banks take huge risks that threatened our financial markets and left hard working American taxpayers holding the bill. These ads are just the beginning of our plans to hold Lungren accountable,” said Andy Stone, Western Regional Press Secretary for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “Rather than standing with hardworking taxpayers and consumers struggling on Main Street , Representative Lungren stands with the special interests and the big banks whose risky decisions got us into this mess in the first place.”

Last week, Lungren was part of an unanimous block of Republicans who voted against financial regulatory reform measures aimed at reigning in some of the excesses that led the nation to recession.

Lungren’s vote on this measure is a centerpiece on radio ads that have already started airing.

Listen to the ads below.

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Lynn said...

Lungren has consistently voted against consistuents and for big business and Bush policies that got our country in this mess. Students in college? Lungren voted NO on HR5 that lowered interest rates on student loans. All Democrates voted for along with 124Republicans. Seniors want lower prescription drug prices? Lungren voted NO on HR4. Having to work several jobs to pay bills? Lungren voted NO on HR2 to increase minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 (first change since 1997). Health care for poor kids? He voted No on HR976. He is all for funding the wars with no end but when it comes to paying for armored vehicles to protect troops and health care for returning troops he votes NO HR 1591. Far as I can tell he voted FOR tax cuts for oil companies and big corporations and against us. Time for a change people!

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