Cooper Calls For Ethics Investigation of Un-named Elk Grove City Council Member

During the Wednesday, April 28, 2010 meeting of the Elk Grove City Council meeting, Council Member Jim Cooper called for a code of ethics ...

During the Wednesday, April 28, 2010 meeting of the Elk Grove City Council meeting, Council Member Jim Cooper called for a code of ethics violation investigation on an unspecified council member.

The resulting discussion was heated. Cooper insisted that the unspecified matter rose to the level warranting an investigation.

Cooper’s request to place the matter on a future agenda for discussion was supported by council members and Gary Davis and Steve Detrick. Mayor Sophia Scherman and Council Member Pat Hume adamantly opposed further discussion of the matter.

A few things to watch for:

- Detrick’s support for the investigation seemed to be based on a previous ethic violation leveled against him several months ago. Scherman authorized the hiring of an external attorney for an investigation that found no wrong-doing on Detrick’s part.
- Scherman seemingly tried to place the responsibility of authorizing the investigation of Detrick on City Attorney Susan Cochran.
- While Davis said he would support a discussion of the matter, he felt that they might “look like kindergarten cops.”
- Citing his 25 year of law enforcement experience, Cooper said he had seen lots of things and this complaint was serious enough to warrant an investigation.
- Hume called the proposed investigation a "witch hunt."

Watch the videos

Part I

In process

Part II

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Phillip Stark said...

Lents wait and see.

Malleus Codex said...

Well, if they decide to "investigate" they will have to do it in a public closed session. Here is what the Brown Act asya

Only to discuss the appointment, employment,
performance evaluation, discipline, complaints
about or dismissal of a specific employee or potential
employee (§ 54957). The employee may
request a public meeting on any charges or complaints.
But closed sessions are NOT ALLOWED for discussing:
• general employment
• independent contractors not functioning as
• salaries
• the performance of any elected official, or
member of the board

The last bullet is the key!

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