Elk Grove City Council Candidate Issues Campaign Finance Challenge

During the Wednesday, August 27 meeting of the Elk Grove City Council a challenge was issued by one of those hoping to have a seat on the ne...

During the Wednesday, August 27 meeting of the Elk Grove City Council a challenge was issued by one of those hoping to have a seat on the next council.

Candidate Jimmie Johnson, who is running for the District 4 seat currently occupied by Gary Davis, issued a campaign finance challenge to all Elk Grove City Council candidates. To see what the challenge is, watch the video below.

Tomorrow EGN will post a story on the reaction of other city council candidates to Johnson's challenge.

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Elk Grove Politics said...

Jimmie Johnson and his buddy Pat Hume want campaign limits, but what about big loans from their Mothers? Pot holders meet apron strings!! Real men need not apply!!

Tom Nadeau said...

You often see unfunded or poorly funded candidates making such calls for limiting campaign donations and/or the sources of the donation. It's understandable, of course, but it never works. My theory is that unfunded or poorly funded candidates should recommend that their heavily funded opponents take as much money as they can get, demand more and then spend it wastefully. Then, while all that is going on, broadcast as widely as possible the amount the bought-and-paid-for (aka, "purchased-to-profit-from") candidates and their profligate backers are doling out to buy seats. This strategy would likely fail to keep the corrupt out of office, but it would sure as hell generate more cash-flow for those local businesses that suck off the political process. The profiteers might even leave bigger tips for the little guys when they take each other out to lunch to celebrate the election results.

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