Hume Embarrasses Elk Grove

Makes Appearance on FPPC inaugural investigation list Less than a week after Elk Grove City Council Member Pat Hume publicly complained...

Makes Appearance on FPPC inaugural investigation list

Less than a week after Elk Grove City Council Member Pat Hume publicly complained about community members and the media bringing embarrassment to the city, the first-term council member has himself brought more political scandal and embarrassment to the city.

In a move designed for more transparency of its investigations, the California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) announced as of September 9, 2010 it would post the names of politicians who are currently under investigation on it website. One the first five politicians to make an appearance on the "under investigation" list is Elk Grove's own Pat Hume, case #10-0758.

As previously reported on EGN, Hume is under investigation for failure to report meals over $50 and gifts over $420 received for two consecutive years.  

What makes the investigation of Hume ironic is just day earlier during the city council meeting Hume raged against Elk Grove Citizens and the media for creating "a firestorm" of controversy over a flawed plan to purchase a $95,000 electronic city council roll call voting systems. Hume said the controversy embarrasses Elk Grove. Hume incidentally voted to defer a decision on the system saying "it is not time sensitive."

If truth be told, Hume's alleged failure to report meals and gifts for two consecutive years is the type of thing that brings true embarrassment to our fair city. Constituents holding elected politicians and officials accountable for their actions and purchases is something we can all take pride in.

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Unknown said...

The irony that is Patrick Hume is not lost on this old man.

Citizens questioned spending $95K to count votes and apparently when no answers were forthcoming they went to the media for help in obtaining those answers. Hume doesn't like being questioned so he goes on a tirade against those who dare to question. Typical.

Last time I check the Constitution it states that this is the people's government, not your personal political playground Hume. Displays of your bad temper have become tiresome.

Hume complains about citizens embarrassing the city. What a joke. His own personal bad behavior is embarrassing to the city.

He refuses to complete the necessary campaign finance forms required by law. The website and those commenting have asked many times of the past many months when he would be submitting the forms. Apparently Hume has to be prodded with an FPPC complaint in order to fill out the necessary paperwork. The cost of the investigation to the taxpayers falls at Hume's doorstep. If he followed the rules in the first place if pretty certainly there would be no complaint. (And I assume the paperwork is filled out correctly, but that's up to the FPPC to ascertain.)

And this is after the Rotary scandal. 9 months leave? The Elk Grove Rotary should be ashamed. Hume's behavior warrants banishment.

And lest we all forget, what about the much talked about lawsuit Hume has brought forward against a resident? He appears to have violated his own restraining order and wants to sue the other party. I'm not sure if this falls into the category of embarrassing or just plain stupid.

There are many accusations on those other websites that the same person is commenting on all the blogs. Well, I doubt it. What started out as whispers between us old folks has escalated to nearly a shout. Hume's behavior is outrageous and has caused no end of embarrassment to our city.

Anonymous said...

"Hume's behavior is outrageous and has caused no end of embarrassment to our city."

You got it exactly right Paul!!


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