Weekend DUI Enforcement Results in Numerous Arrests, Citations

The recent regional and national focus on enforcement of DUI laws, including stories in the media and TV commercials got the word out that ...

The recent regional and national focus on enforcement of DUI laws, including stories in the media and TV commercials got the word out that DUI laws will be strictly enforced. In spite of those measures, Elk Grove Police made numerous DUI arrests at Saturday's enforcement check as well as several others last weekend through stepped-up enforcement.

According to Elk Grove Police Department spokesperson Officer Christopher Trim, Saturday night's checkpoint resulted the following actions:

  • 7 DUI arrests
  • 1 647F (public intoxication) arrest
  • 1 273a arrest and parole violation
  • 17 cars towed
  • 7 unlicensed driver citations
  • 6 suspended license citations
  • 36  other citations issued
  • 1193 cars through the checkpoint.
Drunk driving related fatalities and injuries are down about a third from what were an astronomical number of alcohol-related casualties prior to the 1980s.  A combined effort that included engineering, enforcement, and education over the years has saved many thousands of lives every year over the past 30 years and changed the social attitude about drunk driving from a wink and a blind eye to that of disgusting and unacceptable behavior," said Elk Grove Police Chief Robert Lehner.  

Lehner added that "DUI checkpoints are an important component of the education and enforcement legs of that effort. I am pleased that support for this effort remains available from the California Office of Traffic Safety and proud of EGPD’s officers’ involvement in the many successes of these programs. Too many people have lost family members and friends to this preventable tragedy and we will continue to be a part of the solution.”

See the recent TV commercial on drunk driving below.

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