EDPD To Conduct Speed, Noise Enforsement

As part of an ongoing traffic safety campaign, the Elk Grove Police Department is conducting additional speed and muffler enforcement throug...

As part of an ongoing traffic safety campaign, the Elk Grove Police Department is conducting additional speed and muffler enforcement throughout 2011 as part of a grant awarded to the Elk Grove Police Department by the California Office of Traffic Safety.

In 2010, 495 collisions resulted in someone either being injured or killed within the City of Elk Grove. Of those 495, 145 (29%) were speed related and speed is the most commonly reported contributing factor in reported injury collisions.

As part of the grant, Elk Grove Police identified areas within the city with a large number of speed related collisions. In response to this, the Elk Grove Police Department has been deploying mobile speed trailers to provide visual feedback to motorist regarding their speed.

In addition to the speed trailer deployment, additional officers have been assigned to enforce speed laws in these areas and also throughout the entire city.

The speed trailers are a reminder for motorists to slow down and also allow the Elk Grove Police Department to evaluate their effectiveness. Through education and enforcement, the department is hoping to reduce the number of persons injured from speed related collisions.

In addition to speeding, excessive noise from motor vehicles pose a health, welfare, safety, and quality of life issue here in Elk Grove. The department recognizes this and has implemented a program to provide additional vehicle noise enforcement throughout the city. All officers have received additional training in muffler and loud noise violations and are issuing citations when appropriate.

Vehicles with a suspected noise violation are issued citations for correction to be signed off at Elk Grove PD or the State Bureau of Automotive repair. The grant provided the department with equipment to measure noise levels to ensure compliance.

“The City of Elk Grove deserves to have streets that are safe, quiet, and healthy,” said Christopher J. Murphy, Director of the California Office of Traffic Safety. “Speeding is an on-going problem that has to have constant enforcement to keep in check. The noise and air pollution from broken or modified exhaust systems impacts the health of everyone.”

Residents who would like to report chronic speed or noise problems in their neighborhood can contact the traffic complaint line at (916) 478-8300 or report the violation online at www.elkgrovepd.org.

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