Elk Grove Moves to Limit Medical Marijuana Cultivation

Following complaints from several residents about medical marijuana cultivation, the Elk Grove City Council last night instructed the police...

Following complaints from several residents about medical marijuana cultivation, the Elk Grove City Council last night instructed the police department and city attorney to craft an ordinance that would strictly limit the activity.

The issue was originally brought to the city council's attention at the August 11 meeting when several residents of an eastside rural neighborhood complained about a two-acre operation. According to those residents, there were about 55 plants being cultivated.

At last night's meeting Elk Grove resident Kathy Kokkos returned to thank the council for taking the matter into considerations and to reiterate her concern about the growing operation on her neighborhood.

"I firmly believe we need to be safe," she said. "It has definitely affected us."

Elk Grove Police Capt. Bryan Noblett explained how a several Northern California municipalities regulate medical marijuana growing within their jurisdictions. During their deliberations, council members expressed their desires to tightly regulate growing operations.

Council member Jim Copper said that while he supports medical marijuana use for legitimate medical purposes, he said almost anyone can get a medical card and that has negative affects on communities.

Cooper joked that he "could get a card just to cope with council meetings."

The council directed Police Chief Robert Lehner and interim City Attorney Jonathon Hobbs to prepare an ordinance modeled on the City of Corning's model that tightly regulates the manner and method of how plants can be grown and prohibits outdoor cultivation. The ordinance is expected to be presented at the October 12 meeting.

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