Attention Foodies: Elk Grove To Consider Regulating Mobile Food Vendors

How things change. Just a few years ago, catering trucks, those honking mobile kitchens serving the 99 percent proletariat at constructi...

How things change.

Just a few years ago, catering trucks, those honking mobile kitchens serving the 99 percent proletariat at constructions sites, factories and auto dismantling yards were somewhat affectionately known as roach coaches. But paint those same trucks up, upgrade the food a little and hype it to all the foodies on Twitter and Facebook and all of a sudden they are transformed to the latest food craze.

Recognizing their popularity and never missing an opportunity to attract business, Elk Grove will be conducting a mobile food vendor regulation workshop tomorrow night at city hall.

The focus of the seminar will be to review current regulations and to consider the following questions:

• Where should Mobile Food Vendors be allowed to be located, such as on sidewalks, in parking lots, etc.?
• When should they be allowed to operate?
• Should there be limitations of how many can locate on a block?

The meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. in the Elk Grove City Council Chambers. The meeting is open to the general public.

Sorry foodies - there are no vendors scheduled to set up temporary shop outside the city hall.

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Capt. Benjamin L. Willard said...

Now if they were really thinking, they would have lined up a bunch of these trucks at city hall starting at around 4:30 and turned it into an event.

Anonymous said...

And better yet Cap, they could park them in a circle, since they seem to "circle the wagons" a lot at City Hall...

Anonymous said...

What a waste of time and money. What difference does it make whether these small business owners are controlled by an expensive government agency.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I survived the 80's and 90's eating off the nasty wagons at the local Air Bases and trucking yards. Minus a local government agency. These new trucks have amazingly great food.

Anonymous said...

circle the wagons; how about around the empty mall, future civic center and any park or city dedication event? We should have mobile food units at all the events; planning commission meetings, city council district meetings... How about placing garage doors in some of the empty strip mall buildings and the mobile food units could pull into a building at night and roll out in the morning; wait that wouldn't work because rent would need to be paid. Roll on mobile food units. The city officials continue to be reactive instead of proactive in developing a viable community an indication of this is the late noticed meeting regarding this issue.

Anonymous said...

All very good mine off the top of my head!

Elk Grove must not be high on the Gourmet Food Truck list since there appeared to only be 2-3 Vendors in attendance and maybe as many consumers, no doubt this could have been due to the short notice.

I realize we do not have the foot traffic or work force to accomodate them during the day.....perhaps evenings or weekends OR some of our other community events would work. However, how would that affect our local vendors who set up shop under a canopy? I personally cannot see how EG would be a regular alone is not a big money maker and their expenses have to be hugh. Of course there is draw from their posts on Twitter & Facebook which could be hugh. That would also be a reason to consider parking, location & hours seriously. And then there are County & State Regulations to consider too.

Guess we'll see where the Planning Dept. goes with it, hopefully with more notice!

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