Elk Grove, Sacramento Region Continues Negative Job Growth

Click to enlarge Without regional job creation, do we really need annexation? While the rest of the nation is enjoying some modest gai...

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Without regional job creation, do we really need annexation?

While the rest of the nation is enjoying some modest gains in job growth, the Sacramento region continues to lose jobs. In fact according to two sources, the six-county Sacramento is in the bottom five nationally in job creation.

As reported in both Bloomberg Business Week and American Public Media's
Marketplace, our region experienced negative job growth during all of 2011 and through this February. Clearly, the rebounding economy, weak as it is, has not trickled down to Sacramento and Elk Grove.

At the same time that our economy continues sputtering along, our city leaders continue to push annexation of several thousands of acres just south of the city limits and outside the urban services. Part of the justification is that the land is needed to create jobs.

Given the fact that we continue to lose jobs in the region and have an abundance of vacant retail and commercial space already available, if we do annex this land and develop it exclusively for business use, can we attract new jobs to the city without plundering jobs from existing business developments in the city let alone neighboring cities?

Furthermore, if this was developed for business use as promised, will there be a need or will it sit vacant and half-built like the Elk Grove Promenade has for the last four years?

Part of the bigger problem our city council faces on this issue boils down to one word - trust (Does the word consanguinity mean anything?). How many times have we been promised an Angus steak dinner only to be given a Bar S Hot Dog? How do we know that this 6,000-plus acres will not just be more homes and strip centers?

So as we continue to struggle with this jobless recovery, our city council should shelve the annexation efforts for at least ten years, and instead focus on wisely managing city finances and focus on maintaining and continually improve constituent services - not the interest of large landowners and deep-pocketed developers.

Besides, the land is not going anywhere and it is unlikely that any other government entity will try to annex this environmentally important and sensitive land.

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Anonymous said...

How true! Such was the case last evening when watching the EG Planning Dept. meeting online. Seems the city council didn't even give the Pulte community...the 55 & over community I believe it is, a Bar S Hot Dog. They got NOTHING! Agreements weren't being adhered to or enforced. If they were, the Planning Dept. wouldn't have had to go through the exercise they went through last night. The city council sold out the community in favor of the Builder and without so much as notification to the residents that their parks were being put on hold for another 3-4+ years. That's parks they paid a premium for when they purchased their homes. By the time they get their park Pulte will be through and have left town....smiling all the way to the bank. Just another one of those "back door" deals. That's a part of the "JEWEL" of EG we always heard so much about.

And you think you can trust the city to do good with the SOI? LMAO

Ellie May Clampett said...

That advice from Cochran was completely wrong, along with other advice she gave, which is why she is no longer employed with the city.

With today’s blended families, the definition of consanguinity has been changed to include kinship. There is certainly a "kinship" here and Hume himself from dais referred to a member of his stepfather’s family as just that "family."

Conflict of interests are coming back to haunt Hume. Call it Karma. Call it "Hey White Liar, the truth comes out a little at a time." The truth is finally coming out as well about other votes such as on on Lent Ranch projects whereby he should have recused himself because of undisclosed "relationships."

Will Hume do the right thing? History has proven him incapable. As with his pal Mike Leary, it might take the FPPC, the Grand Jury, the District Attorney and/or the Attorney General for him to see the light of day.

Bottom line, Hume sitting on the Southeast Connector JPA is a conflict of interest.

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