Primary Day Notes

- To bad every election day weather isn't as nice as it is today. Near ideal conditions. Unfortunately while bad weather keeps some v...

- To bad every election day weather isn't as nice as it is today. Near ideal conditions. Unfortunately while bad weather keeps some voters from venturing to their polling place, great weather probably doesn't bring people out.

- I voted at my local polling place a little over and hour ago and was only number 67. On a positive vote I ran into my 20-year-old son who was their exercising his right to vote.

- Getting out the vote. Seems Dr. Ami Bera is leaving nothing to chance. In this day of cell phones replacing land lines, a Democratic acquaintance told me he had a visit from a Bera volunteer reminding him to vote. The presumed Bera-Lungren race this fall will be interesting to watch.

- Closer to home it will be interesting to see the race for the Ninth State Assembly district. While Dr. Richard Pan has the power of the incumbency having moved to this newly drawn district, who is to say Republican's Tony Amador and Elk Grove's Sophia Scherman couldn't be the top two in this race.

- Of course the big race with national implications is today's recall election happening in Wisconsin. Several pundit predict as goes Wisconsin today, so shall the nation this November.

Check back on EGN once the polls close for updates.

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