Who's Your Next EGUSD School Board Member?

by Denny Gomez, Radio Elk Grove Someone will be voting in your place on tonight, choosing an elected official for a two year term. Who wil...

by Denny Gomez, Radio Elk Grove

Someone will be voting in your place on tonight, choosing an elected official for a two year term. Who will be the next member of our school board? How far reaching is this appointment, and who are the candidates?

For the second time this year, the Elk Grove Unified School District will appoint a replacement to the Board of Supervisors. But the process to date has been a little obscure.

That changed today, with the release by EGUSD of the application materials of four current applicants for tonight's appointment proceedings. Today we'll give you a snap-shot of the candidates.

The EGUSD board will appoint a replacement for recently resigned member Pollyanna Cooper-Levangie in a special meeting held at the District office on Elk Grove-Florin Road. (Agenda)

This is the same process that the board used in March of this year to appoint Jacob Rambo to the board, filling the post left open by Supervisor Pamela Irey.

While both appointments save the district over a quarter million dollars each in special election costs, Tomorrow's appointment will have a greater effect on the district. The position vacated by Cooper-Levangie will be filled by the appointee for the next two years.

That makes this appointment much more significant. The appointee will serve the next two years, influencing board policies and the education of our children.

The potential appointees include, alphabetically:

Matthew Boyd Hoyt, Kaiser Health Care Consultant and former State Department Diplomat.

Jose Reynoso, Area Media consultant and broadcaster in the Latino Community.

Bobbie Singh-Allen, local education volunteer and Executive Vice President of the California Lodging Industry Association.

Brad Lee Strong a public policy advisor and former director of “Ed-Voice” and Senior Director of Education Policy at “Children Now.”

[Note: All information is drawn directly from candidates submitted statements.]

More complete bios are found at RadioElkGrove.com. The candidates all have varying public service history.

This can only be a brief glimpse of the candidates, until Thursday night's meeting.

The process on Thursday will be simple. Each candidate will make a presentation, there's a time for public comment where you can weigh in with your views, after which the Board will make a selection.

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Apple a Day said...

Let's see if they will now have enough votes on the Board to eventually support Mr. Davis's charter school personal agenda. Saps funding from the other schools and sets up elitist enrollment criteria. Hmm, his Mayor web page just says he has a background on working on improving education statewide--by abandoning (circumventing) public schools???

Anonymous said...

Why isn't there a criminal and/or personal background check on these people? Are they not fiscally responsible for a lot of money? Are they not professionally responsible for overseeing our kids education. How do we know these people aren't child molesters or pot smokers or low level scammers or worse. They get to address the board and then a decision is made? Seems very limited in scope to me. How do I know these candidates aren't somehow tied to vendors who are contracting services to the district...oh, the list of why this is shortsided is endless. You can represent one of the largest school districts in the area but no one checks to see if you have a criminal history? Doesn't sound prudent to me.

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