Scherman Cites Dedication, Service to Elk Grove in Bid For Mayor

Elk Grove Council Member Sophia Scherman. With the election for the Elk Grove's first directly elected mayor less than 90 days away,...

Elk Grove Council Member Sophia Scherman.
With the election for the Elk Grove's first directly elected mayor less than 90 days away, Elk Grove Council Member Sophia Scherman gathered supporters together last night to make her push in what is considered a historic local election.

Held at the McConnell Estates Winery, Scherman's fundraiser attracted numerous longtime supporters who were asked by Scherman to help her in pursuit of the mayoral position. Scherman is a three term and original member of the city council whose district has been drawn out of existence because of reapportionment and the voter-approved establishment of a directly elected mayor.

In comments to her supporters, Scherman emphasized her long dedication to public service and commitment to helping constituents with things in her neighborhoods. "I am a public servant, not a politician," she said.

Scherman said her relatively late entry to the race came after her third place finish in the recent Ninth Assembly Distirct primary race. Scherman said she entered the Assembly race as the request of the Republican Party.

One of Scherman's support on hand was Sheryl Tolson who noted the council member is very visible and accessible to all constituents. "It speaks volumes of that person's commitment to the community," she said.

Schermnan noted that while much has been accomplished in the city's first 12 years, much more work needs to be done. One area Scherman said that she would focus on elected would be attracting jobs with a emphasis on development of small businesses.

Another area Scherman said she would concentrate on is the city's financial position. During her tenure Scherman said he has advocated the maintenance of a healthy reserve fund and would continue to do so as mayor.

A longtime Elk Grove resident Scherman also expressed optimism about the city's future and her dedication to the community. "I love this communit ywith all my heart," she said.

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