Elk Grove Mayoral Candidates Explain Position on City's Planned Expansion

One of the issues facing Elk Grove voters as they select the city's first directly elected mayor this November is the city's so-call...

One of the issues facing Elk Grove voters as they select the city's first directly elected mayor this November is the city's so-called sphere of influence (SOI) application. The SOI is the legal process a California city follows to annex land.

Five of the six candidates explained their position on the SOI.

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amused in fast food city said...

"laser-focused"...so cliche!...

Peppermint Patty said...

Having attended two of the forums and listening to this, Davis is playing both ends on the SOI.

On one hand he never actually says he is for the SOI and also has not said anything against it. One must cobble together his statements about being "laser focused" and be led to the conclusion he is for the SOI under the guise of bringing more jobs which is implausible given the fragility of the state's budget. Government jobs are the backbone of our local economy afterall. (Side note: instead of going after major employers, it looks like out economic development department is "laser focused" on getting a ice rink.)

Ooops I forgot, they could fork over more money to get some other state agency here. That well will dry up though.

What does that mean? The SOI is about more rooftops. Time will unfortunately prove this to be the case.

Oh, brother, I need a drink Marcie!

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