New EGUSD Trustees Question Election of Board President, One Says He Was 'Railroaded'

EGUSD Trustee Tony Perez. In what was an otherwise short and routine meeting of the Elk Grove Unified School District (EGUSD) last nig...

EGUSD Trustee Tony Perez.

In what was an otherwise short and routine meeting of the Elk Grove Unified School District (EGUSD) last night, two of the newest trustees voiced concern over how the board elected its president and clerk during their Dec. 13 regular meeting.

It was at that meeting when the three newest trustees, Carmine Forcina, Steve Ly and Tony Perez were sworn in. At that same meeting, the board conducted a voice vote that seemingly unanimously elected trustees Chet Madison and Jeanette Amavisca as president and clerk respectively.

The matter came up as the trustees were going through the consent calendar which included approval of the Dec. 13 meeting minutes. Perez asked that the approval of the minutes be pulled for further discussion.

Perez said the record reflected a unanimous vote and that he did not get a chance to vote. "I think we should have had a roll call vote at the time," Perez said.

When Madison asked Perez what he would like done to rectify the situation, Forcina chimed in.

"A number of us do have issues with the way in which this discussion is presented in written form," Forcina said. "And in this particular case what Mr. Perez is saying is that there was a voice vote taken and the voice vote interpreted as unanimous vote."

Forcina went on to say that the vote did not occur as reflected in the record and he too did not vote. "I did not vote either waiting for abstentions because I would have abstained," he said.

After hearing the concerns from Forcina and Perez, EGUSD Superintendent Stephen Ladd clarified what the votes from the two should have been and said the record would be changed to reflect that. Ly, the other new member said he did vote for Madison and Amavisca.

After the meeting Perez said he felt that he was disrespected in the process that selected Madison and Amavisca as he was not able to cast his vote.

"They got their four votes," Perez said. "I felt like I was railroaded."

Listen to the audio here.

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Anonymous said...

The old ways are about to stop. It is about time. We need new ideas.

Anonymous said...

Is this guy already whinning? Get over it. Remember you're a grown up now. No room on the school board for a bunch of old guys who cannot get along...oh wait, we already have going on in the's called the Elk Grove City Council. More of the same old xxxx; just new faces. This behavior has got to stop and the people's business needs to get done. Leave your ego at the door Mr. Perez.

Anonymous said...

Ly, your colleagues had a point, and with you getting over 60,000 votes, no one threw you under the bus, you laid down and let the bus run over you. Don't you know you should have made a move for a position of leadership or at least have them consider you. Did you just get pinker, little guy, or did you think you weren't qualified enough? Obviously, Perez and Carmine spoke up, but you went for the status quo...???

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