Sacramento Region Builders Seek Lower Fees, Two Developments South of Grantline Road

The Sacramento-based trade group Region Builders  announced this week they will be meeting with officials from several Sacramento-region...

The Sacramento-based trade group Region Builders announced this week they will be meeting with officials from several Sacramento-region governments including the City of Elk Grove to discuss their policy platform.

In their Monday morning Email, Region Builders said "this week, we are meeting with leaders from El Dorado County, Sacramento City, Sacramento County, Elk Grove, SACOG, and Rancho Cordova on public policy proposals created by our Region Builders Committees."

In their eight page policy platform, Region Builders has seven policy areas including procurement & economic development, work force development & education, development processing streamlining, government reform & accountability, fee reductions, land use & entitlements and green building.

Some of the highlights in Region Builders platform includes opposition to local hire ordinances, support of fee deferrals and opposition to local cap and trade on building.

The platform also supports the Southeast Connector project noting the billion dollar project already has a third of the required funding. It also notes that "we have members who are proposing projects south of Grantline" Road.

The report did not specify where south of Grantline Road the proposed projects are located or whether they were employment centers or more housing developments. The Email did not specify when or what public officials Region Builders would be meeting with this week.

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Wizard of Oz said...

They won't be satisfied until the taxpayers give them the shirts off their back and subsidize as much of their development as they can get away with. What do they offer in return? Short term construction jobs, a glut of housing, diluted home values for us, and oh yeah, a chance to get reelected if you are in office!

Sarah Johnson said...

In case you had any doubt about what is in store for an expanded SOI, no longer a question!!!

Capt. Benjamin L. Willard said...

Really, we shouldn't be surprised now should we?

When his Honor Mayor Davis had his sit-down with News 10's Dan Eliot last week, his Honor said with particular glee that more housing permits were being pulled. His Honor once again said that he is "laser focused" on bringing good jobs and correcting the jobs-to- housing imbalance but I don't recall him saying anything about recruiting a major employer other than "back-filling" the Borders with a replacement retailer selling discount shoes. Perhaps those shoe salespeople will be able to buy those new houses "south of Grantline" on their wages.

Anonymous said...

Capt. Benjamin L. Willard, how old are you? Geez!

Anonymous said...

"They won't be satisfied until the taxpayers give them the shirts off their back and subsidize as much of their development as they can get away with. What do they offer in return?" Great comment and question Wizard of Oz. We should only subsidize the government not private industry:

•Lost green energy equipment. A 2012 Department of Energy Inspector General audit found that the agency cannot locate $500,000 worth of green energy manufacturing equipment it purchased with stimulus money.
•$2 million internship program. From 2010 through 2011, the Department of Agriculture’s Office of the Chief Information Officer funded a $2 million intern program intended to enhance the agency’s IT security workforce. Only one intern was hired full time.
•Extravagant Las Vegas conference. The General Services Administration (GSA), which is responsible for managing federal buildings and helping cut costs, held a 2010 conference in Las Vegas that cost $822,751, or more than $2,500 per employee. GSA paid for $44-per-person breakfasts and commemorative coins that cost $6,325.
•Mars menu. The U.S. has not sent a man to Mars, but NASA spends nearly $1 million every year to create hypothetical menu options if humans one day live on Mars. In 2012, Cornell University and the University of Hawaii received $947,000 from NASA’s Advanced Food Technology Project to develop creative menus.
•Greek yogurt factory for New York. PepsiCo and Theo Müller Group are joining forces to build a Greek yogurt factory in Genesee County, New York. The Departments of Agriculture and Commerce granted them $1.3 million to jump-start the project.
•Trolley system in St. Louis. The federal government is giving $35 million to St. Louis, Missouri, to construct an “old-fashioned style-trolley [sic] system.” The trolley will cover the 2.2-mile span between the Missouri History Museum and the University City Library, duplicating nearby bus and light-rail service.

Bill P said...

Gary Davis ran his EG mayoral campaign on the premise that there was a huge housing to jobs imbalance in EG, and he aimed to rectify the issue by bringing new jobs here. If he falls in line with these home builders and approves more homesites in EG, he should be recalled.

He'll be a bald faced liar. No way around it.

Davis, we're watching you. JOBS, not HOMES!!!! You said it, now stand by it!!

Anonymous said...

Err, is construction not one of the main employment sectors in this region? Has every past recession not been reversed by strong construction growth? Build homes = bring more jobs. WE Watchin' u Biill P! We're also watching your meek logic.

Bill P said...

Build businesses, not homes. Builders come in to communities, build out, then leave, leaving the citizens to deal with what they have left. Good, quality, poor, sub-standadard. Estate size, zero-lot lines. - These jobs are fleeting to a community, not sustainable.
That's my meek logic.

Anonymous said...

Bill P, I agree with you. Anonymous the point that is missed; building homes does not produce long term sustainable jobs...Market and spending goes up,then crashes down...and it seems each time it falls it falls deeper and further. Really in this behavior who really makes out. I once asked a home builder which home he was going to live in, in the neighborhood he was building; his response none...I am just sure if the builders thought about...hmmmm I am living here what would I like....I think in some areas the housing product and architectural style would be much different. Plus would a home builder build his home intentionally in the flood plain...or would the council that this year allowed a rezone and homes to be built in the flood plain live in one of those homes? Does the city council approve such projects...yes...What does the General Plan say; no building in flood plain...however this can be overturned by a simple vote of those in office. Follow the money.....


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