Elk Grove Mayor to Hold 'Greater Than Three' Town Hall Meeting

March 14, 2016 |

On Wednesday, April 6, 2016 a special town hall meeting will be held that hopes to expand on the three minutes provided for public comment during Elk Grove City Council meetings.

The meeting, called "Greater Than Three,"  will be held at the Elk Grove City Hall Council Chambers located at 8400 Laguna Palms Way, Elk Grove. Hosting the meeting will be the Elk Grove Community Connection (EGCC), a local community group that has put on more that 20 community outreach meetings, and Elk Grove News. 

“Oftentimes three minutes isn’t enough time to speak at public comment at Elk Grove City Council meetings; but more importantly, for the community to have interactive dialogue with each other and elected leaders in an open format,” said Mayor Gary Davis, who will engage with constituents during the meeting. "This town hall meeting will be designed in a way to give participants enough space and opportunity to voice viewpoints and continue the dialogue.”

The town hall meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. with a meet ‘n greet reception and end at 8 p.m. with a special raffle. Check back here in coming days for more information regarding the meeting's format.  

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Warren Buffett said...

What strange bedfellows politics makes. And by the way Mayor, you have always had the discretion to let speakers go beyond their 3 minutes to speak, depending upon the number of speakers and size of the agenda. But politicizing something you always could have done, but using campaign season to launch it at a special shindig is so typical Elk Grove politics. Viva Stronger Neighborhoods!

Anonymous said...

Funny... *Now* he's a listener? What motivated that change?

Anonymous said...

If EGCCD is hosting this event, does that mean they will absorb all cost for this meeting? I was told by a former counsel member that EGCC , after claiming to host an event , would send the city a bill for reimbursement . If that is the case , lets say the tax payers are hosting the event, not Connie and her group.

Connie said...

Here is the way it has to be by California State law and The Ralph M. Brown Act.

The Elk Grove Community Connection (EGCC) comes up with the idea for the town hall meeting, totally plans them -- including all logistics, flyer design and public relations -- and pays for everything. That is unless three or more Elk Grove City Council members want to attend and actively participate. Then, by law, it has to become a special meeting at which point the city pays for it. We usually don't know until the last minute when the city posts the notice.

We only bill the city for actual expenses -- receipts attached -- and they have been less than $400. The costs are for the food, gifts for any guest speakers, and the raffle prizes at the end. Given the number of residents who have attended the standing room only town hall meetings, and no consultants being paid, not a bad price.

We have never billed for our time. I have taken my day job and put it to work on public outreach on matters important to our residents. We have put on over 20 meetings, here in Elk Grove, and down in Galt, all very well attended.

I will give you one example: The city of Elk Grove held three town hall meetings on the civic center project many years ago. They had a total of 14 people attend, paying the consultant $10,000. One meeting was cancelled because only one person attended. We were contacted and the EGCC held a town hall meeting on the civic center with then Mayor Pat Hume facilitating. It was an SRO meeting. [Not to be catty, but those city meetings cost $714 per person, where ours was $4.00 or less per person and everyone got fed – more than 100 attended our civic center meeting! And everyone got a chocolate covered Oreo cookie on their chair to take home, which by way, everyone loves!]

That is why Mayor Gary Davis made the announcement at the last council meeting that if two more council members want to attend and participate in the upcoming meeting to let the City Clerk Jason Lindgren know. At this point, we only know of one other, Council member Darren Suen, who is attending and actively participating.
There have been many meetings whereby we have not had more than three council members and we have paid for everything.

And as a side bar: As a point of clarification, we have been planning this town hall meeting since last November, long before either Kevin Spease and/ or Joel Broussard announced their candidacy for Mayor of Elk Grove. Both are more than welcome to attend and we hope that they do!

Soccer, swim, jobs, mall said...

Much ado about nothing; just another Davis publicity stunt.

Matt G said...

Heard this Joel Broussard will be in attendance. Had the pleasure of meeting him recently. I have to say he's very likeable and charming. Has an Obamalike aura about him not because he's black or not in a racist way you just like him when you meet him. I predict he wins and has a huge following like no other

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