EGPD clarifies its role in shelter in place orders

Noting the numerous inquiries they have received regarding Gov. Gavin Newsom's order for Californians to shelter in place, the Elk Grove Police Department has clarified its role in the effort to tamp down the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
In a statement released yesterday, the EGPD noted they are tasked with enforcement of the county's health orders. Nonetheless, the department said they are confident the community will voluntarily abide by the guidelines.
In his statement, Elk Grove Police Chief Timothy Albright said:
"The instruction I have provided my staff is to serve to educate our community members as to the order provided by the County Health Officer. Our officers are instructed not to engage in any proactive enforcement related to the order at this time. Our goal is to provide our community members and visiting the public with a safe environment wherein we are all working together to limit the spread of the virus and flatten the curve. This does not mean, however, that officers are not engaging in routine police work which might bring them into contact with community members or visitors to our community. I do not want those more-routine contacts to be misconstrued with us randomly stopping people specific to the order – that is not to occur.”
Additionally, the police department issued the following advisories:
- You will not be stopped by the Elk Grove Police Department solely to inquire about the purpose of your travel.
- There is no curfew in effect. Please continue to adhere to the guidelines in the Stay at Home Order and limit outside contact to the essential business.
- Please maintain social distancing and refrain from gathering in groups.
- Sacramento County has set up a page with information on the Stay at Home Order, FAQs, and contact numbers if you have any other questions. Below is the link to that page:
- Officers are proactively checking on businesses as part of their regular patrol duties.
- Please report any suspicious activity by calling 9-1-1 or via our non-emergency number at (916) 714-5115.
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