Elk Grove Water: The Next Gold

By Lynn Wheat |  

The City of Elk Grove’s recent newsletter arrived in my mailbox and I was disappointed there was no information regarding the upcoming South American Subbasin (SASb) Groundwater Sustainability Plan public meeting. The Groundwater Sustainability Plan is vital to our regions’ water supply and this is possibly the last public meeting that will be held on the Plan.  

As Elk Grove continues it ambitious boundary expansion plans and more rooftops are being planned as far as the eye can see, we all need to know whether there will be sufficient water available to meet our basic needs, and if so, what will that water ultimately cost us?  Already our water in Elk Grove has one of the highest rates in the region.

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The information below is taken directly from the SASb website and I encourage all to participate or just listen in.


for the South American Subbasin (SASb) Groundwater Sustainability Plan

November 5, 2020 from 6 to 8 p.m.

Join online: https://rb.gy/bpkrft

Call in: 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 949 9855 1251, Passcode: 126400#  It is preferred that you access the meeting and register through our website so that we can better communicate with you regarding future meetings: sasbgroundwater.org.


Join us and learn about the condition and future health of your groundwater subbasin. Participate in the process to understand what needs to be done to protect the quality and availability of this valuable resource. Learn why maintaining a sustainable groundwater subbasin matters to the economy, the environment, and the quality of life of our urban and rural communities. We need your input- join us on November 5th.


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