Sacramento County Supervisors called godless sociapaths for stance against COVID19 misinformation
In an indication of the vitriol over COVID19 public health measures, several members of the public addressed the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors over a resolution addressing misinformation. The comments were made during the Tuesday, September 14 supervisors' meeting.
The resolution, which was on the consent calendar (item 35), is titled "Identify and accepting facts, separate from misinformation, associated with a responsible and effective response to the COVID-19 pandemic." The discussion of the item sponsored by Supervisor Phil Serna, which Supervisor Patrick Kennedy noted, lasted about four hours and drew over two dozen public speakers and 55 written comments.
Typical of those opposed to the resolution were Richard Ropiak. During his comments, Ropiak directed his ire at Kennedy and Serna and characterized them as godless sociopaths.
Additionally, Ropiak made a claim which cannot be substantiated, that more members of the armed services of the United States died from the COVID vaccine than the virus.
"Here's a fact for you, Serna, you want facts, look it up," Ropiak said. "More active members of our military have now perished and died from the vaccine than they have COVID."
Ropiak's entire commentary can be viewed below.
Although most public comments opposed the resolution based on First Amendment rights, at least one person spoke in support of the measure. Bishop Chris said he he understood the frustration encountered during the pandemic but said being disrespectful to the elected officials is not constructive.
"I'm not going to come down here and vent my frustration at either one of you and call you out," he said. "That is very disrespectful and not right...keep doing the good work you are doing."
While most of the written comments opposed the resolution, Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg, California State Senator Dr. Richard Pan, and Dr. Carol Burch, M.D., president of Sierra Sacramento Valley Medical Society, supported the resolution.
One submitted comment from Dr. Karen Poirier-Brode, MD, applauded the supervisors for their efforts to address the pandemic. "I applaud the efforts of the Sacramento Board of Supervisors to combat lies and misinformation," she said in her email.
During the board's deliberation, Serna criticized Supervisor Sue Frost, implying she was casting doubt on the efficacy of the vaccines.
"To discredit the substance of this resolution is to call into the expert opinions of those who we have been trusting for months," Serna said.
He then added, "you will recall just a few weeks ago, there was an instance by the chair [Frost] during a discussion about COIVD that the then, and still today FDA approved Pfizer vaccine was, quote, unquote, experimental. You said it four times."
Supervisor Don Nottoli asked county counsel the effects of adopting the resolution and noted he would not support anything that would silence constituents. Addressing Nottolie was Assistant County Counsel Krista Whitman, who affirmed the resolution would not deny people their First Amendment rights.
"There is nothing in this resolution that in any way restricts the public's ability to speak on this topic or any other topic," Whitman stated. "All this resolution does is express support for the county's health officer and staff and does nothing to interfere with anyone's First Amendment rights."
Frost said she appreciated and shares Serna's concern about public health and noted each supervisor approaches issues differently. Shen them implied her opposition to the resolution was a reflection of her constituency and noted she did not agree with all the speakers reasons for opposing.
"If my district doesn't like the way I am representing, they are going send me home," she said.
After the lengthy testimony, there were minor changes to the resolution and was adopted by a 4 -1 vote. Frost was the sole opponent.
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