Vice Mayor Spease takes lead on Elk Grove's latest sign initiative; City official admits events signs underwhelming
Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen looks at Councilmember Rod Brewer, who initially opposed the city's latest sign initiative. | |
Led by Elk Grove Vice Mayor Kevin Spease, the city will endeavor another sign project. This project will pursue so-called entry, "welcome to" signs at five motorist entrance points to Elk Grove.
After receiving a presentation by public works director Jeff Werner, the city council directed staff further develop a project. Of the choices offered by Werner, the city council said they were interested in pursuing medium-sized signs.
The public works department will now develop, and present project plans at a future meeting. Werner reported the estimated project cost for the five medium size signs as between $125,000 and $500,000.
During city council deliberation, freshman Councilmember Rod Brewer was tepid to the idea.
"Is this a want or a need," Brewer asked. After he discussed it further, Brewer answered his question by saying, "Right now, to be honest, neither."
Following Brewer, Spease said he wanted to signs that would generate civic pride and a sense of place. Spease also questioned Werner about the effectiveness of the city's two event advertising signs.
While Werner avoided directly answering the question citing the lack of data, Elk Grove's public information officer was unambiguous. Kristyn Lawrence told Spease and his colleagues they are not popular with advertisers and are a "chore to keep them current."
As of Monday, April 10, the event sign located on westbound Laguna and West Stockon boulevards displayed a March 10 event. The other events sign is on the southeast corner of Elk Grove and Big Horn boulevards.
See Werner and Lawrence's discussion on the event signs in the video below.
Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen expressed support for Spease's endeavor. She also addressed Brewer's question.
"I like the idea of signs," Singh-Allen said. "It's great branding for our city, particularly as our city continues to grow."
Addressing Brewer's tepid support, Singh-Allen said they are vital to the city's growth.
"Answering the need versus want, I guess you put that out there," Singh Allen said as she looked at Brewer. "I think from a branding perspective, from marketing, it would be a need because as our city continues to grow, so does the branding."
Following the mayor's comments, Brewer shifted gears and said he would support further study of Spease's entry sign initiative.
"As much as I'm being a Grinch, you have persuaded me that there is a need," Brewer said.
"Excellent that I could be persuasive at this late hour," Singh-Allen responded.
Translation to the four men, "You want what I want!" That's all you need to know and vote accordingly. Comprende?
Agree, Eye On EG! Next time one of them goes off-script, they will need to remember whose coattails they rode to get into those leather swivel chairs!
Looks like Mayor BSA is openly advocating for the abolition of democracy and free thought in our city government. Seems likely an endorsement from GOP presidential candidate Czar DeSantis should be forthcoming.
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