Mayor Steinberg dresses down Ori Bytton - Use some of the millions from sale of mansion to make Natura repairs

During contentious public comment on non-agenda items at a Sacramento City Council meeting, Mayor Darrell Steinberg dressed down a business owner battling the city over safety violations. The acrimony surfaced during the Tuesday, October 3, 2023, Sacramento City Council meeting.

After hearing lengthy public comments from employees of Sacramento-based Natura, a leading cannabis cultivator, and the company's owner, Mayor Darrell Steinberg commented on the controversy. The city has cited Natura for several repeated safety violations and is under threat of closure until they are corrected.

One of the speakers during public comment was Natura CEO Mr. Ori Bytton, who said his company was the victim of a mismanaged city. Steinberg fired back later in the evening as Bytton attempted to speak again and told the millionaire owner to consider using proceeds from the sale of his multi-million dollar mansion to fix the repairs or pay his workers while the violations are corrected.

While Steinberg claimed Bytton sold his Los Angeles area mansion for $51 million, there was only one source that reported that amount. Other sources reported the list price as $38 million, but there are no reports of the property being sold as claimed by Steinberg.

For information on the Natura code violation, read our story posted earlier today. Watch Steinberg's remarks in the video posted below. 

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