Sacramento County Supervisor Pat Hume calls himself a 'pedantic jerk' during STA meeting

Sacramento County Supervisor addresses Sacramento Transportation Authority's executive director Kevin Bewsey during their January 11 meeting. | 

During a board discussion of toll lanes at the Sacramento Transportation Authority's January 11 meeting, Sacramento County Supervisor Pat Hume referred to himself as a "pedantic jerk." Hume made the revelation after STA's executive director Kevin Bewsey's PowerPoint toll lane presentation.

People familiar with Hume during his 20-plus career on the Elk Grove Planning Commission and City Council are familiar with his behaviors. Mr. Hume is fond of using his expansive vocabulary and proverbial phrases during government meetings.

So why did Hume call himself a pedantic jerk? Watch the video to see what prompted the first-term supervisor to use that description of himself.   

We've included an intentional typo in honor of Mr. Hume. 

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Eye on Elk Grove said...

I only have one word to describe Pat Hume always smugly trying to let everyone know he is the smartest person in the room, “Cockalorum.”

Shoe fits, doesn’t it?

Juan Trippe said...

Hume and "Eye" are both right!

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